Teas for Health Benefits

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This Sleep Slim Tea formula is more delicious, more convenient, works better than ever, and is packed with the exact super-spices and ingredients you need for the kind of deep sleep that results in top-speed fat-burning… Click here for details

Health Benefits of the most common teas

Drinking tea is good for your health. Tea has been used for centuries as a health booster in many societies.

So how do you decide which tea is healthiest for you? Here is a list of the teas that boast the most health benefits overall.

1. Green tea

is often touted as the healthiest tea. It is chock full of polyphenols and antioxidants that help to boost brain and heart health. Green tea antioxidants also prevent oxidative stress in the brain, which can lead to dementia and cognitive disorders.

Scientists concluded that green tea is the best tea when it comes to cancer prevention. The EGCG present in green tea stops cancer cell reproduction and even kills existing cancer cells.

2. Black tea

is packed full of antioxidants and theaflavins, which help protect heart health. Researchers have found that black tea can help to lower bad cholesterol levels known as LDL cholesterol. This tea can prevent cardiovascular disease by improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.

3. Oolong Tea

Can help manage weight loss thanks to polyphenols and caffeine. Studies have shown that oolong tea helps to trigger the reduction of fat cells due to its caffeine content. Scientists believe caffeine induces adrenaline-like effects, which speed up metabolism and result in fat burning.



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This Sleep Slim Tea formula is more delicious, more convenient, works better than ever, and is packed with the exact super-spices and ingredients you need for the kind of deep sleep that results in top-speed fat-burning… Click here for details

4. White Tea

Skin and Hair Health benefits. Studies have shown that white tea can protect skin cells from damage induced by oxidation. Antioxidant-rich tea helps eliminate free radicals that can lead to signs of premature aging including wrinkles. White tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce redness and inflammation caused by skin diseases such as eczema or dandruff. White tea also contains high amounts of phenols, which boost collagen and elastin production.

5. Chamomile Tea

This tea is known for its sleep-inducing health benefits. Chemical compounds in chamomile tea work to reduce the stress hormone cortisol. This tea also increases serotonin and melatonin, two hormones that are responsible for mood and sleep. Antioxidants in chamomile tea also work to open up blood vessels, effectively reducing headaches and migraines.

6. Peppermint Tea

This tea contains menthol, a compound that is responsible for its minty flavor and health benefits. Menthol increases bile production in the stomach, which enables the digestive system to break down food more efficiently. This means fewer incidences of diarrhea and constipation. Peppermint tea can also reduce bloating and gas that can cause discomfort. Drink a cup of peppermint tea after each meal to boost digestion.

What Is The Best Tea For Energy and Focus?

If you’re looking for the best tea for energy and focus, here are a few of your options:

  • Matcha

  • Yerba Mate

  • Peppermint Tea

  • Ginger Tea

  • Turmeric Tea

  • Green Tea

  • Pu-erh Tea

  • Black Tea

Overall Health Benefits of Tea

  • Protects Heart Health. Recent research including animal studies shows that tea drinking may significantly lower the risk for serious heart disease including heart attack and blood clots. ...

  • Boosts Energy. ...

  • May Aid Weight Loss. ...

  • Supports Mental Health. ...

  • May Regulate Blood Sugar. ...

  • Aids Digestion.



This Sleep Slim Tea formula is more delicious, more convenient, works better than ever, and is packed with the exact super-spices and ingredients you need for the kind of deep sleep that results in top-speed fat-burning… Click here for details