In this first lesson I am not going to try and teach you about notes, scales, intervals, tempo, theory or any of the other technical facets of music making. Instead, you are just going to learn how to make beautiful sounds on your Love flute.

Just looking at your Native American flute you can see that it is not a complicated instrument. This lack of complexity means that this type of flute is easy to play. So relax and make a little mental and emotional effort to let go of any anxieties and inhibitions that you may be feeling. These feelings are a by-product of your childhood learning experiences. Now that you are and adult it is going to be different. You can go at your own pace and in private. Nobody is watching or judging what you are doing. I guarantee you can easily learn to play and will enjoy playing your Native American style flute.

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Before you start playing lets learn a little bit about your flute. The Native American flute is a tube divided into two sections by a solid area of wood inside the tube. This solid area is called the plug and it separates the slow air chamber - at the mouth end of the flute - from the sound chamber or bore at the far end of the flute. The bore is where the six tone holes are.

Put the bird back on the Love flute over the flue and tighten it down. The bird must be tied tightly on the flute or air can escape out the sides of the flue and this will cause disturbances in the sound of the flute. The bird should be centered on the hole. The front edge of the bird should be just in back of the rear or back edge of the sound hole. How far back depends on the particular flute. A good starting point is about a 32nd of an inch or the thickness of a plastic credit card.

The ring, middle and index finger of the left hand cover the three bottom holes and the ring, middle and index finger of the right hand cover the three top holes. You don't need to use a lot of pressure. The fingers should rest over the holes not press down hard on them. You thumbs are in a comfortable position on the underside of the Love flute.

You will do this by lifting the ring finger of your right hand from the hole it is covering. This hole is called the number one hole. Blow into the flute with all holes closed and while still blowing lift the right ring finger. Play around with lifting and lowering this finger making the sound go up and down. You don't have to lift the finger high off the flute. Just enough to let air to escape. If the finger ends up way high over the flute it will have difficulty finding the hole when it comes back down. You now have two notes.

Let's go on to the left hand and add fifth note. If you have a Native American flute with five holes the ring finger of the right hand will be resting on the flute not over a hole. With a six-hole Ancient Territories Native American style flute we are not going to lift up the ring finger of the right hand but leave it down on the hole. You will raise the middle finger of the left hand next.

So you push the air up from the solar plexus, up and out the mouth and into the flute to sound the fundamental note. Then raise the right hand ring finger, then middle, then index finger. Next (leaving the left hand ring finger down of over the fourth hole) you raise the middle finger of the left hand. You have sounded five notes including the fundamental. This completes a pentatonic (five note) scale.

Now, play with letting your fingers dance up and down the holes of the flute. Do this at different rates of speed. Change the volume by blowing harder or softer. Play, discover and enjoy the world of music.

Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.

Research confirms these personal experiences with music. Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious. To induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz), a person may need to devote at least 45 minutes, in a relaxed position, listening to calming music. Researchers at Stanford University have said that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication." They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access and makes it an easy stress reduction tool.

So what type of music reduces stress the best? A bit surprising is that Native American, Celtic, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud. Sounds of rain, thunder, and nature sounds may also be relaxing particularly when mixed with other music, such as light jazz, classical (the "largo" movement), and easy listening music. Since with music we are rarely told the beats per minute, how do you choose the relaxation music that is best for you? The answer partly rests with you: You must first like the music being played, and then it must relax you. You could start by simply exploring the music on this web page. Some may relax you, some may not. Forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that irritates you can create tension, not reduce it. If that happens, try looking for alternatives on the internet or consult with Counseling Service staff for other musical suggestions. It is important to remember that quieting your mind does not mean you will automatically feel sleepy. It means your brain and body are relaxed, and with your new calm self, you can then function at your best in many activities.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the enchanting sounds and melodies of the Native Flute. This relaxing instrument was originally used in courtship. The young man would sit outside of the lodge of the woman that he truly loved and play the flute as the sun was setting over the horizon. The flute is used at many different events today including corporate dinners, weddings, and private functions.

Native Flute and Meditation workshops include guided meditation, flute technique and musical concepts, group playing, movement and deep listening experiences to expand your understanding of music. The meditative atmosphere helps to quiet our minds, so our creative selves can be free to express themselves.

When used in meditation or for relaxation purposes, Native American flute music can create a serene and peaceful ambiance, helping individuals enter a state of tranquility and introspection. The soft and melodic tones of the flute have a calming effect on the mind and can aid in reducing stress, anxiety, and promoting a sense of well-being.

During a flute music meditation session, individuals often focus on the sound of the flute, allowing it to guide their thoughts and emotions. This meditative practice encourages mindfulness and being present in the moment, as the mind synchronizes with the gentle rhythm of the music. 2351a5e196

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