NTL Code of Conduct


The purpose of the National Teen Lock-In is to engage and connect teens all over North America annually with an event hosted in and/or by their local public libraries. The National Teen Lock-In seeks to encourage teens to become life-long readers and provide them the opportunity to connect with their peers. 

To that end, the National Teen Lock-In (NTL) uses online engagement tools including social media. The primary goal of this policy is to clearly state the expected appropriate conduct of the public when engaging with these tools, especially at the annual NTL event, and also explain how NTL uses information gained through these online engagement tools. For the purposes of this policy, the public will be referred to as “patrons.”

Patron Code of Conduct for Online Engagement

The National Teen Lock-In social media accounts and online engagement tools are an extension of the National Teen Lock-In.  As such, patrons engaging on any NTL online account may be banned from engaging in NTL online accounts should they do any of the following:

Patrons in violation of the above may be banned from NTL online accounts for a period of time determined by National Teen Lock-In Staff.  


All online interaction is public record; however, virtual programs will never record participants and patrons may always delete their own comments from NTL social media accounts.

Virtual Event

 The Following are Prohibited:

Patrons in violation of the above may be banned from NTL online accounts for a period of time determined by National Teen Lock-In Staff.  

Collection of Personal Information

 The National Teen Lock-In only collects information for the purposes of keeping in contact with interested parties, prize winners, and for the re-evaluation of its programs. The National Teen Lock-In works diligently to keep library information private and does not share any information received with anyone outside of NTL staff. To ensure patron privacy, the NTL requires that each library handle registration for their teens and only requires a library staff member’s contact information. 

At no time will the National Teen Lock-In be filming the faces of teen participants. No teen attendees will appear on the streamed live events of the National Teen Lock-In.