The first ten (10) lines of this song constitute Bangladesh's national anthem that is most commonly sung, adopted in 1971 during its liberation war. Only those lines are given in the following section. The instrumental orchestra rendition was composed by Samar Das.[6]

The Ministry of Cultural Affairs planned to stage an event on Bangladesh's 44th independence day, in a bid to have the world record of the most people singing a national anthem simultaneously. Consequently, on 2 March, the ministry launched a program titled "Lakho Konthe Sonar Bangla" whose main objective was to hold an event with the cooperation of Bangladesh Armed Forces where approximately 300,000 people would sing the national anthem.[11] Several popular Bangladeshi musicians and cultural groups later joined the program.[12]

National Anthem Of Bangladesh Mp3 Download


The national anthem of Bangladesh is called Amar Sonar Bangla. The name of the song has been written using Latin transliteration, as the Bangladeshi alphabet does not mimic the one that is used by western languages to make it easier for reading. The direct translation of the anthem is "My Golden Bengal", which was written in 1905 by Rabindranath Tagore in 1905. Tagore was a polymath, meaning he had experience in many different facets of life which focused on creative expression; writer, poet, philosopher, and painter are just some of his many accolades, including composing the national anthem. The lyrics of the song were sung to the hymn of the famous Bengali song "Ami Kothay Pabo Tare" and later the modern instrumental was adopted in 1972.

In 1905, the British Empire had partitioned the land of the Bengalis for the first time into two parts. This was announced at the time, on July 19, and took effect on October 16th, the decision being made by the Viceroy of India. The country was split into East and West, with each side containing those of different faiths; Muslim and Hindu respectively. This was done as a way to keep control over the province and country - and was a similar tactic in the partition of India and Pakistan in much the same way. Many songs were created, sung, and composed at the time, but what is now the national anthem served as a way to raise spirits and unite the country against the tyranny of the British Empire. The above-listed 10 lines of the anthem have been made official, adopted in 1971, initially during the Bangladesh Liberation War.

To keep an uninteresting story short, I was working on a project on Niger earlier this year for AP Human Geography. Part of that project had me listen to the anthem and look at the lyrics. I remarked to some of my friends that it was not very good and also how hard it was to find a quality version of it. The first friend suggested we rank every anthem, and I laughed it off. Then a second friend said the same to me in an unrelated conversation, and from there it was destiny.

We used the tier list system. For those who have never heard of it, I explained it in the intro to my Westworld series, but it is essentially a series of categories of quality. The top tier contains the highest quality anthems, and as you descend they are overall worse in our opinion. Within these tiers, they are also ordered. The top left country is the best in that tier, and the bottom right the worst.

I actually come here looking for a place where I could download the Bhutanese anthem. I was surprised is in the bad category, but it might be the case of the version. The instrumental one available on YouTube or Wikipedia is just awesome! Like from an Asian fantasy movie.

You are absolutely right!!! It is one of the very few non-Western countries that actually have an anthem that might be from local traditional music! Colonization was a terrible terrible thing, it destroyed even the self esteem of the colonized.

Hey Braden and the staff of CT. A renowned youtuber from Argentina quoted your note. Personally, I love that the anthem of my country is the one that you liked the most. I leave you the link to the video I mentioned. Greetings from Argentina

Both of them also said that the government took the version as the standard while making staff notation for the orchestration of the anthem considering it easy, simple and ideal for presentation by the masses without having any skills of rendering Tagore song.

This government-approved version used to be followed by all organisations and schools in national and public events and the government in 1978 passed the National Anthem Rules, where Section 5 (7) stipulates that the national anthem shall be played only in accordance with the approved notation of the song.

Simultaneously, the government-approved version of the anthem is played in all national programmes, at programmes having foreign guests, in state-run broadcasting agencies, on national days, in the parliament and even in the participation of other national sporting teams in international tournaments. Many cultural organisations such as Bangladesh Rabindra Sangeet Shilpi Sangstha still render the anthem following the government-approved version.

Several other organisations also uploaded more than 10 versions of the anthem on YouTube, each differing from the other. But schools authorities play these versions in their assemblies. Set against the backdrop, the cultural affairs ministry in 2011 instructed the Shilpakala Academy to work on a uniform version of the anthem taking consent from Tagore researchers and singers.

For making the latest version of the anthem popular, the cabinet division initiated a national anthem competition among school, college and madrassah students in February and March by providing them with Shilpakala Academy-recorded song and the sound track. The cabinet division also organised a programme on March 26 requesting all the ministries and agencies concerned to take initiatives so that Bangladeshi citizens, at home or abroad, render the song following the latest version of the anthem along with the prime minister Sheikh Hasina at a parade supposed to be held at Bangabandhu Jatiya Stadium.

Meanwhile, Tagore singers, senior citizens and cultural activists urge the government to take immediate steps to resolve confusion regarding the national anthem so that it is presented in a uniform style.

The cultural affairs minister Asaduzzaman Noor and the Shilpakala Academy director general Liaquat Ali Lucky say that they are working on an official notification on the version recorded by the academy as the authentic tune of the anthem.

At a Test match last month, between Zimbabwe and New Zealand, protestors in the stadium rose in the 36th over of the day, singing the national anthem and waving flags, using the opportunity to unite for their cause.

The most recent memory being that of the India-Pakistan tie at the Eden this year, where megastar Amitabh Bachchan and classical singer Shafaqat Amanat Ali rendered the anthems of their respective countries.

National Anthem official song of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Composed by rabindranath tagore in Bangla in 1906, the song 'Amar Sonar Bangla' became popular during the swadeshi movement in the first two decades of the 20th century. The anti-partitionists (those who opposed the partition of bengal in 1905), Swadeshi activists and the revolutionaries used this song as a medium to stir the spirit of patriotism among the Bangali masses. But with the decline of regional nationalism from the 1920s, this song went out of currency until its revival on the eve of Bangladesh war of liberation. On 3 March 1971, the song was played at a meeting organised at Paltan Maidan by the Students League and the Sramik League. The seventh march address of Bangabandhu sheikh mujibur rahman at the Racecourse Maidan (now Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka was preceded by this song. On 23 March it was played when Swadhin Bangla Kendriya Chhatra Sangram Parishad held ceremonial parade marking independence.

The Bangladesh Government in exile adopted this song as the national anthem of Bangladesh, and it was accordingly used by swadhin bangla betar kendra throughout the period of War of Liberation. The Constitution of Bangladesh (Article 4.1) adopted the song as the national anthem of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. The first ten lines of the song have been specified to make the anthem for vocal music and the first four lines for instrumental music.

While presenting Guard of Honour to a head of state of a foreign country, full national anthem shall be played while the President's salute is given. On such occasion, the national anthem of the visitor's nation shall be played first, to be followed by the national anthem of Bangladesh. But if the visitor is a head of government, only first four lines should be played. All other ceremonies remain the same.

At official functions held by foreign missions in Bangladesh, the first four lines shall be played. The national anthem of Bangladesh shall be played first, to be followed by the national anthem of the foreign state concerned.

There are approved rules of showing respect to the national anthem by civilians and persons in uniform, and there are rules regarding singing national anthem at educational institutions and all other public places. For armed forces, there are detailed rules as regards singing or playing the national anthem. [AKM Farooq]

What is the first thing people think of when they are asked for a symbol of a country? Some turn to the flag, while others may mention their national bird. However, the most prominent and complex of them all may just be the national anthem.

With the sample size determined, the ranking could begin. Each tier was given a one-sentence description that acted as a general justification for why each nation belonged in the said tier. The anthems were judged solely on the instrumentation, tune, and general mood of the music. The lyrics were generally ignored for the sake of avoiding political controversy. However, the amount of patriotism that could be heard within the anthem was factored in, as it tends to set an anthem apart from any regular piece of music. 2351a5e196

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