MA / PhD / Post-doc Students

In Process (by names):

  1. Benny Asavan: A Language Modeling Approach to Filling Gaps in Akkadian Cuneiform Tablets Based on Contextual Cues - (co-supervised with G. Stanovsky and W. Horowitz) (MA).

  2. Nimrod Madrer: Existential Verbs in Akkadian, Hebrew and Aramaic - (co-supervised with S. Fassberg) (PhD).

  3. Nelson Mason: The Old Anatolian Palace as Seen through Texts from Kanesh and Amkuwa (MA).

Submitted (by years):

  1. Uri Gabbay, Akkadian Mythology in the Old Babylonian Period, its Sources and Evolution: Stylistic and Linguistic Features, MA, 2002.

  2. Evgeny Dimenstein, Itabalhum: History and Administration of a Turrukean Kingdom in the Zagros at the Old Babylonian Period, MA, 2005.

  3. Uri Gabbay, The Sumero-Akkadian Prayer 'Ershema': A Philological and Religious Analysis – (co-supervised with Stefan M. Maul, Heidelberg), PhD Summa cum laude, 2007.

  4. Elke Friedrich: The Experience of Pain in Akkadian, MA, 2009.

  5. Netanel Anor: Reading the Oil Omens: a Study of Practice and Record of Mesopotamian Lecanomancy, MA, 2010.

  6. Yaakov Voda: Flora in the Mari Documents, MA, 2011.

  7. Anna Perdibon: Stregoneria e fertilità. L'immagine della strega in Mesopotamia e le sue connessioni con la sfera della fertilità [Witchcraft and Fertility. The Image of the Witch in Mesopotamia and Its Connections with Fertility] - (co-supervision with L. Milano, Venice), MA cum laude, 2012.

  8. Avigail Wagschal: Witches and Witchcraft in the Old-Babylonian According to Akkadian and Sumerian Primary Sources, MA, 2015.

  9. Susanne Körper: Die persönliche Klage in der altbabylonischen Literatur – (co-supervised with Michael P. Streck, Leipzig), MA, 2016.

  10. Sonnhild Weirauch: Die Stadt Hazor in Keilschriftquellen und der Bibel [The City of Hazor in Cuneiform and Biblical Sources] - (co-supervised with Michael P. Streck, Leipzig), MA, 2017.

  11. Elyze Zomer: Mittelbabylonische Beschwörungen [Middle Babylonian Incantations] - (co-supervised with Michael P. Streck, Leipzig), PhD Summa cum laude, 2017.

  12. Nadya Terechov: Royal Donations to Temples in the 3rd and 2nd millennia in Mesopotamia: Cult and History, MA, 2018.

  13. Anna Perdibon: Mountains and Trees, Rivers and Springs. Animist Beliefs and Practices in the Mesopotamian Religion, PhD, 2019.

  14. Josephine Fechner: Die akkadischen Sprichwörter [Akkadian Proverbs] - (co-supervised with Michael P. Streck, Leipzig), PhD cum laude, 2020.

  15. Nimrod Madrer: Reflexive Constructions in Akkadian, Hebrew and Aramaic - (co-supervised with S. Fassberg) MA, 2020.

  16. Antonia Pohl: Altbabylonische Hymnen - (co-supervised with Michael P. Streck, Leipzig) (PhD), PhD, 2021.

Post-docs and PhD Candidates (by years):

Yigal Bloch (2014–2015) - Alphabet Scribes (sepīru) in Late Babylonian Documents.

Asterios-Evangelos Kechagias (2018) - The Giants in the Ancient Near East (visiting student from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).