Peer Reviewed Publications
*Bradford, M., *Hansen, P., Beveridge, J. R., Krishnaswamy, N., and Blanchard, N. (2022) A Deep Dive into Microphone Hardware for Recording Collaborative Group Work. In Proceedings Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2022, 588–593. Durham, England: Springer.
*Bradford, M., * Hansen, P., Lai, K., Brutti, R., Dickler, R., Hirshfied, L. M., Pustejovsky, J., Blanchard, N., and Krishnaswamy, N. (2022) Challenges and Opportunities in Annotating a Multimodal Collaborative Problem-Solving Task. In Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Getting AI Experts and Education Stakeholders Talking (Bridging AIEd) 2022, 1–6. Durham, England: Springer.
*Castillon, I., *Venkatesha, V., *VanderHoeven, H., *Bradford, M., Krishnaswamy, N., Blanchard, N. (2022) Multimodal Features for Group Dynamic-Aware Agents. In Interdisciplinary Approaches to Getting AI Experts and Education Stakeholders Talking Workshop at AIEd. International AIEd Society. Durham, England: Springer.
*Kuvar, V., Blanchard, N., Kolby, A., Allen, L., Mills, C. (2022). Automatically Detecting Task Unrelated Thoughts during Conversations using Keystroke Analysis. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). Springer.
*McNeely-White, D., *Sattelberg, B., Blanchard, N., Beveridge, R. (2022). Canonical Face Embeddings. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM). IEEE.
*Gorbett, M., Blanchard, N. (2022). Utilizing network properties to detect erroneous inputs. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Workshops. IEEE.
*Roygaga, C., *Patil, D., *Boyle, M., Reiser, R., Bharati, A., Blanchard, N. (2022) APE-V: Athlete Performance Evaluation using Video. In Proceedings 2022 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Workshops. IEEE.
*Danilyuk, E. (2022) PortfoliU Project: Investigating an Open-Source Repository of Personal Portfolio Websites and How they Benefit Computer Science Students. 2022 Rocky Mountain Conference for Women in Computing. Poster + Invited Talk.
Krishnaswamy, N., *Pickard, W., *Cates, B., Blanchard., N., Pustejovsky, J. (2022) The VoxWorld Platform for Multimodal Embodied Agents. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2022.
*Jamil, H., Liu, Y., Cole, C., Blanchard, N., King, E., Kirby, M., Peterson, C., (2022). Dual Graphs of Polyhedral Decompositions for the Detection of Adversarial Attacks. The 6th Workshop on Graph Techniques for Adversarial Activity Analytics (GTA3 2022).
*Trabelsi, A., *Chaabane, M., Beveridge, R., Blanchard, N. (2021). A Pose Proposal and Refinement Network for Better 6D Object Pose Estimation. In Proceedings 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE. [AR 22, Best Student Paper]
Sakimoto, S. E. H., Lewis, D. D., *Dileep, S., Memon, P., Beveridge, J. R., Blanchard, N., ... & Carley, T. L. (2021). Deep Learning for an Inventory of Small to Midsize Volcanic Edifices on Mars. In 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.
Chaabane, M., Trabelsi, A., Blanchard, N., & Beveridge, R. (2020). Looking Ahead: Anticipating Pedestrians Crossing with Future Frames Prediction. In 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). IEEE. [PDF}[arXiv]
Blanchard, N., Kinnison, J., RichardWebster, B., Bashivan, P., Scheirer, W. J. (2019). A Neurobiological Cross-domain Evaluation Metric for Predictive Coding Networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019. (pp. 5404-5413). IEEE. [PDF][arXiv][supplemental]
Blanchard, N., Skinner, K., Kemp, A., Scheirer, W., & Flynn, P. (2019, January). " Keep Me In, Coach!": A Computer Vision Perspective on Assessing ACL Injury Risk in Female Athletes. In 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (pp. 1366-1374). IEEE. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Moreira, D., Bharati, A., & Scheirer, W. (2018). Getting the subtext without the text: Scalable multimodal sentiment classification from visual and acoustic modalities. In Proceedings of Grand Challenge and Workshop on Human Multimodal Language (Challenge-HML) (pp. 1-10). [PDF] [arXiv]
Donnelly, P. J., Blanchard, N., Olney, A. M., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., & D'Mello, S. K. (2017). Words Matter: Automatic Detection of Questions in Classroom Discourse using Linguistics, Paralinguistics, and Context. In I. Molenaar, X., Ochoa, & S. Dawson. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK’17) (pp. 218-227). ACM: New York, NY. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Donnelly, P. J., Olney, A. M., Samei, B., Ward, B., Sun, X., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., D'Mello, S. K. (2016). Identifying Teacher Questions using Automatic Speech Recognition in Live Classrooms. Proceedings of the 17th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2016) (pp. 191 - 202). Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Donnelly, P. J., Olney, A. M., Samei, B., Ward, B., Sun, X., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., D'Mello, S. K. (2016). Semi-Automatic Detection of Teacher Questions from Human-Transcripts of Audio in Live Classrooms. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2016). International Educational Data Mining Society. [PDF]
Donnelly, P. J., Blanchard, N., Samei, B., Olney, A. M., Sun, X., Ward, B., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., & D’Mello, S. K. (2016). Automatic Teacher Modeling from Live Classroom Audio. Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2016). New York: ACM. [PDF]
Donnelly, P. J., Blanchard, N., Samei, B., Olney, A. M., Sun, X., Ward, B., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., D'Mello, S. K. (2016). Multi-Sensor Modeling of Teacher Instructional Segments in Live Classrooms. Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2016). New York, NY: ACM. [PDF]
Bixler, R., Garrison, L. Blanchard, N., D’Mello, S.K. (2015) Automatically Detecting Mind Wandering During Reading Using Gaze and Physiology. Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI 2015). New York, NY: ACM. [PDF]
D’Mello, S. K., Olney, A. M, Blanchard, N., Sun, X., Ward, B., Samei, B., & Kelly, S. (2015). Multimodal Capture of Teacher-Student Interactions for Automated Dialogic Analysis in Live Classrooms. Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015) (Workshop on Multimodal Learning Analytics MLA’15). New York, NY: ACM. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., D’Mello, S.K., Olney, A.M., & Nystrand, M. (2015). Automatic Classification of Question & Answer Discourse Segments from Teacher’s Speech in Classrooms. In C. Romero, M. Pechenizkiy, J. Boticario, & O. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2015) (pp. 282 – 288). International Educational Data Mining Society. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Brady, M. Olney, A., Glaus, M., Sun, X., Nystrand, M., Samei, B., Kelly, S. & D’Mello, S.K. (2015). A Study of Automatic Speech Recognition in Noisy Classroom Environments for Automated Dialogic Analysis. In C. Conati, N. Heffernan, A. Mitrovic, & M. Felisa Verdejo (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2015) (pp. 23 – 33). Spring-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg. [PDF]
Samei, B., Olney, A.M., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., D’Mello, S.K., Blanchard, N., & Graesser, A. (2015). Modeling Classroom Discourse: Do Models that Predict Dialogic Instruction Properties Generalize Across Populations? In C. Romero, M. Pechenizkiy, J. Boticario, & O. Santos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2015) (pp. 444 – 447). International Educational Data Mining Society. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Bixler, R., Joyce, T., & D’Mello, S. (2014). Automated Physiological-Based Detection of Mind Wandering during Learning. In S. Trausan-Matu, K. Boyer, M. Crosby & K. Panourgia (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014) (pp. 55 – 60). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. [PDF]
Samei, B., Olney, A. M., Kelly, S., Nystrand, M., D'Mello, S., Blanchard, N., Sun, X., Glaus, M. & Graesser, A. (2014). Domain Independent Assessment of Dialogic Properties of Classroom Discourse. In J. Stamper, Z. Pardos, M. Mavrikis, & B. M. McLaren, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2014). (pp. 233 – 236). International Educational Data Mining Society. [PDF]
Blanchard, N., Thomas, B. (2012) .Washboard: An Effective Anaerobic Exercise Game. Poster Presented at Meaningful Play 2012. East Lansing, Michigan. [Poster]
Cole, C., Liu, Y., *Jamil, H., King, E., Blanchard, N., Peterson, C., Kirby, M. (2022) Cracking Open the Black Box: An Analysis of Neural Networks. Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase 2022. CSU.
*Bradford, M., Hansen, P., Beveridge, J. R., Krishnaswamy, N., and Blanchard, N. (2022) A Deep Dive into Microphone Hardware for Recording Collaborative Group Work. Colorado State University Celebrating Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) 2022.
*Danilyuk., E. (2022) PortfoliU Project: Investigating an Open-Source Repository of Personal Portfolio Websites and How they Benefit Computer Science Students. 2022 Rocky Mountain Conference for Women in Computing. Poster + Invited Talk.
*Siebert, C., *Caglar, T., Patton, C., Clegg, B., Blanchard, N. (2022) Hostile Ship Project: An AI to Assist with Dynamic Decision Making. Colorado State University Celebrating Undergraduate Research and Creativity (CURC) 2022.
Brady, M., D’Mello, S.K., Blanchard, N., Olney, A., & Nystrand, M. (2014). Evaluating Microphones and Microphone Placement for Signal Processing and Automatic Speech Recognition of Teacher-Student Dialog. Poster presented at the 168th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Indianapolis, Indiana. [Talk]
Book Chapters
D’Mello, S., Blanchard, N., Baker, R., Ocumpaugh, J., & Brawner, K. I Feel Your Pain: A Selective Review of Affect-Sensitive Instructional Strategies. In R. Sottilare, A. Graesser, X. Hu, & B. Goldberg (Eds.). Design Recommendations for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Volume 2 – Instructional Management (pp. 35 – 48). U.S. Army Research Laboratory: Orlando, FL. [Pre-print PDF] [Book]