Past Courses

Spring 2021: Calculus A (Stony Brook)

This semester, I am teaching two recitations: R02 on Th 4:45-5:40pm and R09 on Th 3:00-3:55pm.

Notes from recitation will be posted here:

Here are solutions to Quiz 5 and notes from office hours on 3/16/2021. Solutions to the midterm are also posted here.

The final exam is on Wednesday, May 12 at 8am EST.

Here is a practice exam to help prepare for the final, as well as solutions and the video from the review session on Monday (to watch the video, log into your Stony Brook email). Good luck on the exam!

Spring 2020: Calculus B (Stony Brook)

Final exam practice problems. Here are some solutions from the review session on Saturday, May 9th. Good luck on the exam!

Notes from recitation will be posted here:

Examples from office hours: