Diversity Work

Activities for women in science


Mujer cientifica_mujer matemática.pdf

“Woman Scientist, Woman Mathematician”. Appeared in several newspapers from the OEM group in Mexico.


“Reflections and Proposals Two Years After the Creation of the Gender Equity Commission of the Mexican Mathematical Society.”
This appeared in: “Towards the Promotion and Recognition of Gender Research as a Cross-Cutting Theme in the Areas of Science in Mexico” in the series “Mexican Women Scientists.” WOMEN AND SCIENCE GROUP, UNAM, 2023.


Poster. Actions to reduce the gender gap taken by the Equality and Gender Commission of the Mexican Mathematical Society. Presented in: International Congress of Mathematicians. World Meeting for Women in Mathematics. 2018


“Summary of the Work Done Four Years After the Creation of the Gender Equity Commission of the Mexican Mathematical Society.”

This appeared in “Miscelánea Matemática,” a publication for the dissemination of the Mexican Mathematical Society.


“Incomplete. 3 Questions on Gender and Mathematics.”

This was presented at the panel “Math and Gender” of the Meeting of Mexican Mathematicians around the World.


Latin american Network of Women in Mathematics. Presented in International Congress of Mathematicians. World Meeting for Women in Mathematics.


Conclusions of the World Cafe on actions to be taken to promote gender equality in mathematics. Presented at: Conference on the Gender Gap Project. 


“Data on the gender distribution in student enrollment, in academic positions at public universities, and in the National System of Researchers in Mexico, 2016.”


“Recommendations for the appropriate participation of underrepresented groups in mathematics conferences.” 

Summary report on the conference: “Second Meeting of Mexican Women Mathematicians, held at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí from April 19 to 21 of this year (2018).”