The NOCN teachmeet

Our 2024 Teachmeet sponsor

This event has been kindly sponsored by NOCN. 

This year's Teachmeet is now fully booked but we're looking forward to welcoming you as part of the audience. 

Introducing the NOCN Teachmeet for 2024:

If you would like to share your most tried and tested activities, approaches or resources for use in the ESOL classroom, take part in this Year's Teachmeet: the perfect CPD opportunity for those who don't feel ready to deliver a workshop. 

What is a teachmeet?

A Teachmeet is a series of snappy, 3 minute presentations, held in a relatively informal setting, where you can share your most effective teaching ideas with like-minded practitioners and get some great ideas from other delegates.

View the video highlights from 2019's Ascentis Teachmeet on 'Support and Challenge - top tips for differentiation in the ESOL classroom'

How do I get involved?

Taking part in the NOCN Teachmeet is easy. Simply: