
What is RF Cautery?

RF Cautery is a safe, non-invasive treatment that permanently removes unsightly skin growths from your face and body in just one session! This treatment involves a cauterization machine that has been successfully used for over 30 years by skin care professionals delivering superior results. RF Cautery effectively treats a wide range of minor and superficial skin irregularities such as skin tags, telangiectasias (small dilated blood vessels near skin surface, common on the face and around nose, cheeks, and chin), keratosis, cherry angiomas, fibromas, warts, and flat age spots. Treatment recommendation depends on area treated and skin condition. CryoSkin also available.

How RF Cautery Works?

The technique of radiosurgery includes the progression of high-frequency radio waves(2mhz-Megahertz) through soft tissue to cut, solidify, or remove unwanted skin growth.

The skincare professional or surgeon operates with a handpiece with an active electrode to transmit the radio waves. The radio waves will be placed on the tissue by an antenna plate that is positioned behind the tissue in contact with the patient's skin.

The soft tissues will induce resistance to these radio waves causing the cellular water in it to heat and produce steam. This process will then end up dissolving the cellular molecular of individual tissue cells.

Radio wave technology treats many types of skin lesions like:

  • Age spots

  • Moles and raised lesions

  • Skin tags

  • Warts (verruca)

  • Sun-damaged skin

Post-treatment care

After treatment, you may go on with your everyday activities. Your Aesthetician will continue to survey you with follow-up consultations. The said therapy normally only needs one treatment. However, some lesions may require more than one treatment session, likely finishing within five treatments. There are the things to remember after your treatment:

  1. There will be pain and a little discomfort which will soon get better. Some patients may regard the necessity to take a pain reliever. You can check it with your dermatologist before taking any medication.

  2. Prevent yourself from touching the spot as far as possible.

  3. Avoid exposure to late sunlight, and persist from going to dusty surroundings for at least a week.

  4. The scab left after the treatment will eventually fall off, it is recommended to keep it dry for 2-3 days post-surgery.

Book a Consultation with Nathalie's Skin Solutions Today

Natalie’s Skin Solutions is the most equipped Aesthetic & Laser Center with the latest medical technology for your radiofrequency treatment. We are managed by Certified Medical Aestheticians to serve you with an innovative experience and provide support for longevity maintenance.

Schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our convenient locations in Fort Myers or Naples or call us at 239-936-SKIN(7546) today.


Some people have excessive facial hair and other skin disorders, but they don't know how to deal with them. We have a remedy for some of your most stubborn skin concerns at Natalie's Skin Solutions in Florida, and it's one of the most basic skincare treatments accessible. We provide Dermaplaning Treatment, which is a manual exfoliation that will smooth and soften skin texture and look by removing the outer layers of dead skin cells, vellus hair (peach fuzz), and surface debris, allowing for 60% more product absorption.

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a type of physical exfoliation that uses just one tool: a medical-grade scalpel. It efficiently eliminates the top layer of skin, revealing a brighter, more youthful layer beneath. In doing so, it addresses a variety of skin issues such as hyperpigmentation, fine wrinkles, and big pores.

How is Dermaplaning Treatment Performed?

Your aesthetician in Natalie's Skin Solutions will begin the treatment by cleansing your face to prepare it for exfoliation. Then, before initiating the procedure, she will apply a solution to your skin that will open the pores. She will scrape your skin at a 45° angle with a surgical steel medical-grade knife. The angle is critical because it avoids cutting your skin and effectively removes all of the dead skin.

To avoid any injury, she'll pull the skin taut while she moves the scalpel back and forth across the surface. Additionally to the peach fuzz, you will be able to see all of the dead skin that comes off of your face.

Dermaplaning may be coupled with peels or microdermabrasion to provide an incredible exfoliation treatment, or it can be performed independently. Customized dermaplaning treatments are advised every four to six weeks to maximize the efficiency of your home product regimen and to ensure long-lasting effects.

How does it removes dead skin?

Many clients like seeing what has been removed from their faces since it is such a rewarding feeling to see real evidence of your exfoliation. This treatment encourages the growth of new skin cells, rejuvenates the skin, and aids in the appearance and feel of youthful skin. Following the treatment, your aesthetician will apply a soothing serum or mask to assist in calming the skin and reestablishing pH balance.

What are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

This treatment has endless benefits.

  • It rejuvenates skin

  • Removes Peach Fuzz

  • Cleaner and smaller pores

  • Minimize the apperance of fine lines and wringkles

  • and more.

It Helps Resolve Skin Issues

This treatment not only rejuvenates the appearance of your face, but also helps to decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, by lowering the overall quantity of dirt and oil in your pores, it might make them appear smaller. It aids in the treatment of hyperpigmentation and general skin health.

Your Skincare Products Will Be More Effectively Absorbent

Not only will your goods apply more smoothly, but they will also perform more effectively. After this treatment, you will effectively have a new layer of skin, with no dead skin cells acting as a barrier between your skin and your goods. To maximize their results, many patients combine dermaplaning with additional in-office procedures such as chemical peels.

Your Makeup Will Look Better

Makeup and dead skin cells do not mix nicely. Applying foundation and other cosmetic items might be difficult when your skin is in need of exfoliation. Because this treatment eliminates both dead skin cells and hair, your foundation will apply more easily and your face will seem more airbrushed.

It’s Non-Invasive

No numbing cream is required prior to this procedure. No incisions or harsh chemicals are utilized, and the only scalpel is the medical-grade therapy instrument that passes back and forth over your skin. There are no post-operative needs, and you will not be required to miss public appearances owing to a red or irritated face.

All Skin Types Can Undergo Treatment

This treatment is suitable for all skin types and tones. Even people with highly sensitive skin or rosacea can arrange a session and reap the advantages.

It’s a Natural Treatment

This treatment doesn’t use any ingredients that will irritate your skin. It also is one of the simplest yet most effective forms of hair removal. If you have ever undergone a waxing, laser, or threading appointment in an attempt to remove facial hair from your skin, you may have dealt with irritation and inflammation afterward or, the treatments weren’t able to successfully remove all of your hair.

This particular treatment won’t irritate your skin, and it will remove all of the hair in the treatment area.

Dermaplaning FAQs

Is This Treatment the Same as Shaving?

Both a standard razor and the medical-grade scalpel used during this process effectively remove hair from the surface of the skin, but the scalpel is much sharper than your everyday raiser. Therefore, not only is it more effective at removing the hair on the surface of the skin, but it can give you a deeper form of physical exfoliation than a razor can.

It also is shaped in such a way that your aesthetician can effectively treat your entire face with all of its curves and angles without nicking or cutting your skin.

Will It Make My Hair Grow Back Darker?

There’s an old wive’s tale that was probably designed to scare young girls out of shaving too early that says shaving your hair makes it grow back darker. This is not the case since shaving your hair doesn’t affect your hair follicles in any way, nor does it affect the rate at which your hair grows. You can rest assured that when you use this treatment to remove hair from your face, it will not grow back thicker or darker. Only genetics determines that.

Who Is This Treatment Right For?

This treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to exfoliate their skin without risking irritation or inflammation. Most individuals, even those who are excluded from other skincare treatments, can benefit from this one. Pregnant women, individuals with extremely sensitive skin, and even those who suffer from rosacea can safely undergo this treatment.

Are There Any Aftercare Requirements?

While there is no downtime associated with this treatment but there are a few directives you can follow post-treatment to make sure you get the best results. As is true of any skincare treatment, you should wear sunscreen anytime you are in the sun. You should pay special attention to sun exposure during the first 24 hours after your appointment, but making sun safety a habit will help prevent premature aging and make your skin stay youthful for much longer.

You should also keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water and keep it moisturized after your treatment to experience the best results.

Can I Dermaplane at Home?

The medical-grade surgical steel scalpel used during this treatment is very sharp. Your aesthetician is trained and skilled on how to maneuver and effectively use this tool. Attempting this treatment at home with a medical-grade scalpel could result in cuts and scarring. Many people choose to use razors to lightly exfoliate their face at home, but we do not recommend attempting a DIY dermaplaning session at home.

How Many Appointments Will I Need?

Each session that you schedule will build upon the results of the previous one. Most patients schedule this treatment every four weeks to keep their skin looking fresh, bright, and exfoliated. During your consultation, we will set up a treatment plan including the total number of sessions you should experience to get the best results and then maintain those results.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Results do vary among patients, but the skin-rejuvenating and brightening results that come from this treatment typically last three to four weeks, based on when your skin’s cell turnover process begins. At that time, once you notice that your skin is looking dull, you can schedule another treatment to once again exfoliate your skin and improve its overall appearance.

Taking the Next Step

Investing in your skin is one of the most important things you can do because it helps you get one step ahead of the aging process. Dermaplaning is one of the best ways to start taking care of your skin and treat certain problematic skin conditions in a non-invasive and natural way. Contact the experts Southeastern Institute of Restorative Medicine in Dothan AL, today to schedule your first appointment.

Secret PRO Ultra-light and Secret PRO Ultra FAQ

What is the Secret PRO Ultra treatment?

The Secret PRO Ultra treatment revitalizes severely sun-damaged skin by utilizing CO2 laser light. The procedure is designed to deliver safe, effective, fractional skin resurfacing by treating multiple skin layers at the same time with precision and control. This one treatment delivers long-lasting benefits that are tailored to your specific needs.

What conditions does it treat?

The Secret PRO Ultra treatment reduces sun damage, improves skin texture, and promotes collagen production to reduce the appearance of scars and crepey skin through fractional skin resurfacing.

What is the treatment like?

Before a Secret PRO Ultra treatment, a topical numbing cream will be applied and/or a prescribed medication will be provided to ensure comfort during the procedure. During the treatment, your provider will gently stamp the laser over the treatment area to create thousands of microscopic perforations at various depths while leaving the surrounding tissue untouched. As the perforations heal, new cells appear to reverse the signs of aging. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the procedure usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes.

Is there downtime after the treatment?

Immediately after the treatment, your skin will be red, feel hot as if you have a sunburn, and very sensitive to touch. Your provider will offer a topical skincare regimen following the treatment to improve your comfort and the healing process. The next day, you may be swollen, and you will notice a pattern forming over the treatment area from the microscopic perforations that will begin to scab and sluff off over the next week. The exfoliation process typically lasts 5-7 days.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients see significant improvement after just 1 treatment.

When will I see results?

After the exfoliation process is complete, you will see immediate improvements in your skin’s appearance, which will progressively improve over the next 3-6 months as new collagen is produced.

Am I a candidate for Secret Pro Ultra?

Secret PRO Ultra is safe and effective on patients with fair to medium skin tones. It’s ideal for reversing the signs of aging skin with a single treatment. Talk to Natalie’s Skin Solution’s aesthetician to determine if this treatment option is right for you!

What is the Secret PRO Ultra-Light treatment?

Secret PRO Ultra-light is a CO2 mild laser micro peel treatment that softly resurfaces the outer layer of your skin to enhance your skin tone and texture. This treatment produces high-quality results that are customized to your skin’s unique characteristics. You’ll quickly and simply achieve healthier-looking, rejuvenated skin!

What conditions does it treat?

Secret PRO Ultra-Light helps promote healthy skin and provides results for many common skin concerns, including; uneven skin tone and texture and overall complexion quality.

What is the treatment like?

A topical numbing cream will be used before to the start of your treatment to ensure your comfort. During the treatment, Natalie’s Skin Solution’s aesthetician will gently stamp the laser over the treatment region, creating thousands of small holes in the surface tissue while keeping the underlying tissue intact. As the perforations heal, new cells regenerate, leaving your skin looking healthier and more youthful. The operation typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on the size of the region being treated.

Is there downtime after the treatment?

Your skin will be pink, fell very warm, and sensitive to touch immediately following the treatment. Then , Natalie’s Skin Solution’s aesthetician will recommend a topical skincare plan to maximize the therapy’s outcomes. The next day, you will observe a pattern emerging over the treatment area as a result of the minute holes, which will eventually scab and slough off. Exfoliation normally takes 3-4 days.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients will need 3 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. Natalie’s Skin Solution’s aesthetician will create an ideal treatment plan customized for you, depending on your skin concerns.

When will I see results?

After the exfoliating procedure is complete, you will notice an instant improvement in the tone and texture of your skin, which will continue to improve with each session.

Am I a candidate for Secret PRO Ultra-Light?

Secret PRO Ultra-Light is safe and effective on patients with fair to medium skin tones. It’s ideal for maintaining youthful-looking skin with a series of quick healing treatments.

Schedule Complimentary Secret PRO Ultra-light Consultation

Natalie’s Skin Solutions Aesthetic & Laser Center uses the latest medical technology, administered by Certified Medical Aestheticians to provide a transformational experience and provides support for longevity maintenance.

Schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our convenient Locations in Fort Myers or Naples or call us at 239.936.SKIN(7546) today.

Microblading FAQs

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is a type of eyebrow tattoo that lasts for a short time. It is done with a small handheld tool and a feather stroke technique to make your eyebrows look fuller or to make your face look better. Microblading is a less noticeable way to get a cosmetic tattoo than some older methods. Ink is used for body tattoos, and pigments are used for cosmetic tattoos. These pigments are meant to fade slowly over time. fading is a good thing because it lets the artist make changes to the color and shape of the piece over time as the client’s natural color and facial changes happen over time.

How Long Is The Appointment?

About two hours. During your appointment, we will talk to you all the time to make sure we are on the same page. It takes a lot of time to figure out what shape and color you want your eyebrows to be. During the procedure itself, it can take 30 minutes to an hour. In about an hour, we’ll see each other again.

Is The Follow Up Appointment Included?

In order to make sure that the brows heal properly, at least two treatments are usually needed at least 6 to 10 weeks apart. When we do this first touch up, we can fix any parts that might have faded, and the client can make suggestions if they want to change how the shape or color looks.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

The treatment is only supposed to last for a short time, but it will fade over time. Touch-ups should be done every 1-2 years to keep the shape, color, and detail of your hair. How often depends on a lot of things, like:

  • Skin type (oily skin fade faster)

  • Pigment color used (lighter colors fade faster)

  • Sun exposure (over time can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment)

  • Use of daily anti-aging products e.g.- (Tretinoin (Retin-A) & Alpha Hydroxy). These products increase your cell turnover rate and will shorten the life of your cosmetic tattoo

Is it painful?

We do everything we can to make the process as easy as possible. Before the Microblading starts, a topical anesthetic is put on the area to make it less painful. During the procedure, a liquid anesthetic is used to make it less painful. Some clients may feel a little pain, but for the most part, it’s not very painful.

(PLEASE NOTE that if you are a frequent smoker, or have your appointment during your menstrual cycle, the pain level could be intensified.)

Is It Safe to Exercise After Microblading?

You must refrain from physical activity for seven days following your microblading appointment. While light exercise is permitted (with minimum perspiration), you must immediately rinse the tattooed area with lukewarm water afterward. Sweat contains salt, which rapidly fades the colour and produces unsatisfactory effects.

Who is not suitable for the procedure?

Microblading is not suitable for the following candidates:

  • Utilization of Accutane

  • Have a heart problem or are currently taking heart medication

  • Have diabetes (a physician's note will be required)

  • Have skin conditions or irritants

  • Have received Botox within the last two weeks

  • Have you recently received a deep tan or chemical peel?

  • To lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine, or epinephrine: hypersensitivity

  • Anyone who is suffering from a serious medical condition may be required to obtain a physician's note.

  • Microblading pregnant or nursing clients is at your discretion. We recommend first consulting with your physician. Microblading is still considered a tattoo, and just as with wine or sushi consumption, doing so during this time period is a personal choice.

Pre-Care Responsibilities

Appropriate preparation for all of your appointments is critical to achieving optimal healing. Please follow our recommended pre-care schedule to guarantee a safe and pleasurable visit.


  • NO Facials/PRP Facials

  • NO Chemical Peels

  • NO Microdermabrasion/Microneedling

  • NO Eyelash serums (for eyeliner appointments only)

  • NO Brow serums


  • NO Laser Treatments

  • NO Antibiotics

  • NO Anti-aging products; any skin care products that contain any vitamin A, retinol, glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, niacinamide, rosehip seed oil or alpha hydroxyls etc* anywhere on the face

  • NO Spironolactone 4 weeks prior, 4 weeks after

  • NO Anti-acne products* anywhere on the face

  • NO Surgery of anykind

  • NO Tanning, avoid sun and tanning beds

  • NO Lash extensions (must be removed prior to eyeliner/lash enhancement appointments only) ​


  • NO Waxing

  • NO Tinting of brow hair

  • NO Botox, fillers

  • NO Spray tanning

  • NO Electrolysis

  • NO Garlic, Turmeric, Fish Oil or Vitamin E supplements


  • NO blood thinning medications such as ibuprofen, NSAIDs, Aspirin, Motrin etc.


  • NO Working out

  • NO Alcohol


  • NO Working out

  • NO Caffeine** no coffee; decaf still has caffeine, no herbal teas,

  • Come with your brows penciled in so we can see how you are used to having them. Please avoid forehead makeup as it is our working space and we want it as clean as possible


  • Prolonged exposure to the sun might cause the pigment to fade and discolor. Once the treated area has totally healed, you may apply sunscreen to it. Additional protection can be obtained by wearing wide sunglasses and a hat. When in touch with chlorine, properly rinse and dry the area.

  • Glycolic Acid, Retin-A, facial peels, and exfoliation should be avoided in the tattooed area due to the possibility of lightening the pigment.

  • Please advise the laser technician if you are undergoing laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your tattoo has healed. Laser techniques may cause the tattooed area to darken, brighten, or discolor.

A Great Brow Enhancement For All Ages!

Microblading implements a procedure that enhances your natural features, using a technique that resembles the actual hair strokes of your brows!

Schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our convenient Locations in Fort Myers or Naples or call us at 239.936.SKIN(7546) today.

How is Cryosurgery Better than Other Methods of Removing Skin Imperfections in Naples, Florida?

Laser Skin Resurfacing- These laser treatments can be used to address a variety of imperfections including skin tone, texture, pigmentation irregularities, and sun and age spots. They can also be used to diminish the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles, and acne scars to produce a smooth, blemish-free, and very attractive appearance. People often have a lot of questions about skin imperfections, such as what are they, causes them and how can you get rid of them? Don’t worry! This takes place with one of our experienced, medical practitioners who can assess the imperfection and explain the treatment in detail to you. Natalie’s Skin Solutions will explain everything you need to know about skin imperfections.

Skin imperfections come in a range of sizes and include anything from milia to moles to skin tags. These lumps and bumps can be tiny but annoying. Here explain what skin imperfections are, what causes them, and how you can get rid of them. The most common skin imperfections are milia, moles, and skin tags. They all form naturally and they can be ‘permanent.’ However, thanks to technology, they can also be quickly and easily removed.

Other Methods Of Removing Skin Imperfections in Naples, Florida

Hyfrecator- For benign moles is a quick, safe, and efficient way of removing moles. Over time moles can change – they may grow, the color may change, and hairs might grow in the mole. After exposure to the sun, during pregnancy, and in teen years moles can darken in color. Most moles are benign, meaning they are not cancerous. However, if they look different, appear in later life or you notice changes you should have them checked.

Skin Tag Removal - is best performed under the guidance of a physician. Even though effective treatment for these small, harmless skin growths may seem relatively simple, home remedies can create unnecessary health risks. Additionally, an accurate diagnosis is important because skin tags often resemble other skin conditions. The experienced team of medical professionals at Alta Health Group in Naples, FL, provides skin tag removal and other urgent healthcare services on a walk-in basis.

Laser Skin Resurfacing - These laser treatments can be used to address a variety of imperfections including skin tone, texture, pigmentation irregularities, and sun and age spots. They can also be used to diminish the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles, and acne scars to produce a smooth, blemish-free, and very attractive appearance.

Scar Revision - Scars are the result of significant damage to the skin that reaches one of its deepest layers, the dermis. The skin may be damaged for a number of reasons, including trauma, a medical or cosmetic procedure, or skin disease. In addition to their appearance, scars can sometimes cause emotional pain as well, serving as a reminder of a traumatic event, or years of self-consciousness due to acne. In South Florida, numerous patients have been affected by skin cancer and skin excision treatments, which can leave behind disfiguring marks. Scars mar the skin and often cause uneven tone and texture, detracting from a person’s overall aesthetics. Through scar revision procedures performed by the plastic surgeons at Aesthetic Surgery Center of Naples, FL, these permanent marks can be improved in appearance and cleverly camouflaged within the surrounding skin.

Cryosurgery is a type of surgery that involves the use of extreme cold to destroy abnormal tissues, such as tumors. The surgery most often involves the use of liquid nitrogen, although carbon dioxide and argon may also be used. When liquid nitrogen has a temperature between -346 and -320 °F, it instantly freezes nearly anything that is in contact with it. In the case of human tissues, it can kill and destroy cells upon contact. This is important when the cells you want to kill are cancerous. We use liquid nitrogen to remove abnormal (precancerous) and benign (noncancerous) skin growths, such as warts. This treatment is known as cryotherapy or cryosurgery.

CryoPen is an advanced cryotherapy innovation that is a fast, effective, safe, and new solution for the removal of skin imperfections. Cosmetic procedures such as skin tags, milia, and cherry angiomas are no longer being treated by many doctors on the NHS.

Risks Associated with Cryosurgery in Naples, Florida

Cryosurgery does have risks, but they’re considered lower than other cancer treatments, such as surgery and radiation.

The risks associated with cryosurgery include:

  • blisters

  • damage to nearby healthy tissue or vessels

  • nfections

  • a loss of sensation if nerves are affected

  • pain

  • scarring

  • sexual dysfunction

  • ulcers

  • white skin at the site of the surgery

How to Prepare for a Cryosurgery

Your preparation for cryosurgery depends on the type of cryosurgery being performed. Cryosurgery for skin cancer, which is the main reason cryosurgery is used, requires little preparation on your part.

If your doctor is treating an internal organ with cryosurgery, you’ll probably be given the same instructions that you’d get before traditional surgery. You’ll be asked to fast for 12 hours beforehand and arrange for a ride home from the procedure.

Before the procedure, tell your doctor if you have an allergy to anesthesia, as well as any and all medications you’re taking, including over-the-counter medications and nutritional supplements.

Your doctor will provide you with complete instructions for preparing for the surgery. It’s important that you follow them.

How a Cryosurgery is Performed

Your doctor will place liquid nitrogen on your skin using a cotton swab or spray. Numbing medicine may be used to prevent any pain or discomfort.

If an internal area is being treated, your surgeon will use a scope, which is a flexible tube that can fit into various openings in your body, such as the urethra, rectum, or a surgical incision. The liquid nitrogen is fed to the area under treatment and applied to the targeted cells. The cells freeze, die and then will be slowly absorbed by your body.

Your doctor will use imaging equipment, such as an ultrasound, as a guide for carrying out the procedure.

Following Up After a Cryosurgery

After most cryosurgeries, you can go home the same day. However, you may have to stay in the hospital for a few days if the surgery was done on an internal organ.

After the procedure, you’ll need to care for any incision wounds or places where the skin has been frozen. Your doctor will give you instructions. Care typically involves keeping the area free of contaminants and changing the bandages to prevent infection.

You’ll have follow-up appointments in which your doctor will determine how successful your treatment was, if you have any complications and whether you’ll need more cryotherapy. We know how hard it is, that’s why if you wish to undergo this painless treatment, visit Natalie’s Skin Solutions now! Schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our convenient locations in Fort Myers or Naples today! You can also call (239) 936-SKIN (7546).

Top Benefits of Hydra Facial

People are conscious of their looks as they tend to attract the opposite sex. To ensure that they are always at their best appearance, they tend to spend time and money for prettification.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and it is very important to have clear and beautiful skin to satisfy both you and the people who are admiring you, right?

Several skin procedures are being offered to the public and these are esthetics procedures. People are willing to undertake the tedious procedure just to get beautiful and attractive. However, there are also who wanted to get their beauty programs but opted not to undertake such procedure because they are afraid of the pain.

To address this concern, Nathalie Skin Solutions opted to offer the painless Hydra Facial Treatment in Fort Myers to extend the opportunity to those who have pain phobias.

We are an Aesthetic and Laser Center in Naples and Fort Myers, Florida. We offer non-invasive treatments for our clients, which are designed to smoothly and firmly renew their skin. Apart from that, we also customize the regular plans per the individual need of our clients.

The Hydra Facial Treatment in Naples treatment utilizes the patented technology to hydrate your skin as it cleanses the dead skin cells, loosens pores to prepare the skin for extraction.

Hydra Facial treatments may also be accompanied by the following for an advance engagement:

• LED light therapy

• Oxygen

• And more targeted add-ons and boosters.

Through the painless process of Hydra Facial, you can also achieve your desired result as we integrate the blend of botanicals and vitamins for an anti-aging skin care program.

We carry out the utmost transformational experience and support for the longevity of our clients’ maintenance.

For your queries and other concerns, you may visit our official website to learn about all our products and services at

Hydra Facial can help different skin conditions, such as:

  1. Dull skin

  2. Acne

  3. Pigmentation

  4. Dry skin

The following are the benefits of Hydra Facial Treatment

  1. It is painless;

  2. It works on sensitive skin;

  3. It removes fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, and oily and congested skin;

  4. It results in a younger-looking, vibrant, elastic, firm, and healthier skin.

Overall, a HydraFacial can be used to address a variety of skin care needs, including:

• Fine lines and wrinkles

• Elasticity and firmness

• Even tone and vibrancy

• Skin texture

• Brown spots

• Oily and congested skin

• Enlarged pores.

Hydra Facial treatment is an effective skincare regimen that is safe and painless. But the most important thing is that it fights for the early signs of aging as it protects your skin from the cell’s free radicals and harmful pollution.

For a prompt response to your questions, you may set a consultation schedule and we will be more than happy to attend to you at one of our convenient locations in Fort Myers or Naples, FL.

With our years of experience and expertise, we can provide you with the advantageous advice which Hydra Facial treatment is best for you for your utmost self-satisfaction.

Ask an Expert: Is It Possible to Regrow Hair?

Every person risks losing their hair more quickly than others. Be it because of old age or disease, it is just inevitable for some people. For some people, you may not think that hair loss is a problem, but for some people, it’s a serious problem. They lose confidence and for some people, they are just ashamed of it. So, people always ask, “is it possible to regrow my hair?” The answer is Yes and No. Let’s now discuss how and why.

Why Can’t we Regrow our Hair?

For some reason, every person’s case is different. For some, it may not be possible to grow your hair back naturally because of your genes, or because of diseases. Examples of diseases would be alopecia and pattern hair loss.

Alopecia plays out in two ways: the thinning of each hair and the overall loss of density. But, in certain cases of alopecia, these losses are not truly “permanent.” At least, not right away. Sometimes, it can be slowed down or delayed.

As we age, some follicles stop producing hair. This is referred to as hereditary hair loss or Pattern Hair Loss. This type of hair loss is typically permanent, which means that the hair will not grow back. The follicle itself shrivels up and is incapable of regrowing hair. You might be able to slow down the hair loss process with a prescription oral treatment or a topical treatment.

With this being said, is it still possible to regrow your hair? Yes, it is still possible.

How Can we Regrow our Hair?

With all the modern technology present in the market nowadays, everything is quite possible with hair regrowth in Fort Myers and Naples. From hair transplant to laser treatment, these treatments are already made available in the market and can bring solutions to your hair loss problem.

Here are possible treatments available for you.

Hair Replacement

You can get back more thick and voluminous hair. There are replacement solutions to fashion new hair to areas of the scalp that have thin or no hair. Replacement solutions are fast, and you'll see results after your first styling session.

Hair Regrowth

With advancements in science and technology, it is now possible to regrow your hair. There are some regrowth solutions that are non-surgical that have shown to regrow hair when used as directed.

Hair Restoration

The most popular procedures known right now are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplants. These are surgical methods that will allow your hair to grow back naturally by implanting healthy hair follicles to the scalp. After the implant, you need to wait for a few weeks or months before it can give you a fuller-looking head of hair.

Another great hair restoration treatment that is available at Natalie’s Skin Solutions is Halo Elite Hair Restoration. According to studies, approximately 90% of the average female's hair is growing (Anagen Phase) at any one time, while the other 10% enter a resting phase (Telogen Phase). Every two to three months the resting hair falls out and allows new hair to grow in its place.

Benefits of Halo Elite Laser Hair Restoration

  • Slows Hair Loss

  • Promotes Hair Growth

  • Increases Blood Flow

  • Increases Waste Removal from Scalp

  • Improves Hair Quality, Health, and Thickness

  • Provides Proper FDA Approved Wavelength for Optimum Results

We know how hard it is, that’s why if you wish to undergo this painless treatment, visit Natalie’s Skin Solutions now! Schedule your complimentary consultation at one of our convenient locations in Fort Myers or Naples today! Or you can also call (239) 936-SKIN (7546)

Best Skin Rejuvenation Solutions To Bring Out The Best Beauty In You

People are always worried about their appearances and they will do everything and anything to keep their looks attractive.

Human skin is the largest organ of the body that can revitalize itself through the help of nutritional food and exercise. It may sustain the healthy looks of the skin by stimulating the skin tissues to promote holistic skincare.

Poor nutrients may result in the paleness of the skin. Loss of essential vitamins in a weight-reduction plan or terrible weight loss program may also cause skin impurities or problems.

Medication is not always the remedy for skin issues just like for the treatment, which causes dilation of blood vessels, it causes darkish circles underneath eyes. Dilated blood vessels allow extra blood to waft through them and these blood vessels look outstanding thru underneath eye skin which is very skinny.

In order to keep the skin looking good, it is important to take food supplementation if you could hardly meet the daily nutritional requirements. The vitamins and minerals needed by your body to rejuvenate are not always sourced from the food you eat. As a result, you need to look for another source to complete them and food supplements may fill-in the gaps.

Moreover, the use of the formulated moisturizers can be very helpful to endure a younger-looking and vibrant skin. The moisturizers are topical products, which are formulated to promote the holistic pores and skincare as it revives the fibers of elastin and collagen.

The skin is sensitive and it can easily be damaged if not cared properly because it is always exposed. When you deliberately allow yourself to be exposed under the heat of the sun, your skin will surely be damaged up to 90% of its outside layer due to the ultraviolet rays (UV). But because of the different skin care treatments, your skin will promptly be remedied through the observance of prevention and rejuvenation approaches.

Few but effective methods of skincare repair procedures are as follow:

1. Microdermabrasion – This is the most famous skin surgical and laser treatment that improves the tone of the skin by reducing the size of the pores. It scratches the skin and through the application of topical medications, the skin peels until it smoothens.

2. Photorejuvenation – this uses a laser or mild to moderate pimples scarring procedure that can be carried out causing a new layer of collagen to shape on the skin. Often, this process would require 5 to 6 treatments that are performed each three to 4 weeks.

3. Scar Revision - this is a surgical operation carried out to cast off pimple scars, specifically the ice pick and container cars, which might be pretty deep. An excision is made for the duration of the manner via a punch. This hole is then closed with sutures which can be often approximately seven days later.

If you are looking for Best Skin Rejuvenation Treatment in Fort Myers, FL, you may need to get in touch and avail the services of Natalie’s Skin Solutions Aesthetic & Laser Center.

We offer skin services to promote flawless and youthful-looking skin. We have the invasive and non-invasive skin treatments to ensure the application of proper treatment to the skin. Also, we offer customized home treatment plans for daily maintenance to accomplish the desired result.

We use the latest medical technology to provide a transformational experience and provide support for longevity maintenance. We also offer natural, non-chemical options for any available treatments and pain-free laser hair removal.

Natalie Suero, our Skin Care expert, provides you with the ultimate in skincare therapies and skin rejuvenation.

We offer the following utmost services:

This revolutionary skin regimen for both face and body utilizes the advanced technology to non-invasively treat wrinkles and fine lines, while also replacing volume. Multiple clinical studies and thousands of satisfied patients have already proven the Alma Laser treatment’s effectiveness in tightening loose skin as it promotes healthy collagen production, and improving body contours.

This is a manual exfoliation procedure that smoothens and softens the skin texture and appearance by removing outer layers of dead skin cells, vellus hair and surface debris that effectively allow for 60% more product absorption.

It is essential with the first step of cell growth and creates a safe environment for managing overactive oily skins.

  • Microdermabrasion – it is an exfoliation treatment to be utilized to increase and improve cellular turnover and rejuvenate the skin as a result.

It is used to treat different skin problems such as but not limited to scarring, stretch marks, melasma, uneven tone, and texture. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and skin imperfections to reveal new smooth, healthy skin.

It is one of the popular procedures that hydrates, firm and treats the skin using pure oxygen to effect an increase in blood circulation to the body.

  • RF Cautery – this is a safe, non-invasive skin treatment that permanently removes unsightly skin growths from your face and body in just one session.

It uses waves through cavities to promote the lifting, hydrating and protecting the skin’s surface by initially exfoliating the surface of the skin.

Aside from the above-mentioned skin treatments, we have other Best Skin Rejuvenation Treatment in Naples that you may need. Please visit our official website to learn more at

How Climate Affects Skin?

The human skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the skin together with the facial appearance and body shape that is the first thing that a man sees from a woman, right?

It is where the phrase, first impression last applies. This is the main reason why people need to take good care of their skin because when people like your skin, they will automatically love your person based on your appearance. When people see you beautiful, they will most like to offer you opportunities that will somehow elevate both your social status and financial stability.

That being said, facial beauty determines directly to one’s personality and people may infer perception on the basis of your skin’s texture and attractiveness.

Relative to this, people know the importance of the skin and everyone is spending lots of money to take good care of their skins. Moreover, when people experience healthier and good-looking skin, they also feel uplifted and well-satisfied and as a result, this beauty upgrade boosts their self-confidence.

On the other hand, climate likewise affects your skin tone because skin adversely reacts to the environment that directly has contact with it.

For instance, when the climate of the place where you live is cold, your skin will dry up and will start to generate irritation. This is so because coldness especially accompanied by wind will surely promote tightness to the skin and will eventually result in cracks and red skins.

While hot climate may increase the temperature and humidity, which will trigger profuse sweating that may lead to skin irritation too as a subsequent effect.

In essence, your skin will experience irritation whether during the cold or hot seasons. All you may need to do to reduce them is to use therapeutic lotions such as sun protection shield lotion and moisturizer.

The skin deteriorates too even if you carefully provide nourishment and utmost care because people age. The skin may produce pimples, patches, and even scars.

But if you are in Fort Myers and Naples, you may undertake the micro-needling work. Naples Microneedling is a skin remodeling procedure that generates controlled micro-injuries, which stimulates the innate body wound healing feature with a minimized damage to the cells. This wound healing attribute is the stimulation of the keratinocytes cells to release the growth factors for the production of both new collagen and elastin for repair.

This process reduces and faces skin scars if not totally eliminates them.

If you need the Fort Myers medical skincare and Naples skincare, you may contact Natalie’s Skin Solutions, Aesthetic and Laser Center.

We specialized in Fort Myers Microneedling. It treats scarring, melasma, stretch, texture, and uneven tone and such other conditions similar in nature.

This Fort Myers beauty enhancement reduces the appearance of facial skin imperfections like wrinkles and the like. Though it creates perforations in a micro effect, it heals the skin to a newer and smooth appearance.

We offer a complimentary consultation at one of our convenient locations in Fort Myers and Naples today!

You may contact us online at or you may reach us at 239.936.SKIN(7546).

For more details, you may visit our official website at

What Causes Your Hair to Fall Out?

It happens gradually for some people. Every day, they look at themselves unsuspectingly in the mirror, oblivious to the situation, until one day it catches their eye: their crowning glory is not quite what it used to be. Others, in contrast, get hit fast — hair today, gone tomorrow.

To understand why hair loss happens differently to people, you have to get to the root of what causes hair to fall out.

Androgenetic alopecia

Also known as male or female pattern baldness, androgenetic alopecia is possibly the most common cause of hair loss and, being genetic as well as age-related, it is also the hardest to deal with.

This is characterized by the shrinking of hair follicles with predisposed sensitivity to normal levels of androgen, causing higher-than-normal hair loss. You see it as the M-shaped hairline and thinning crown in men and a general thinning of the hair in women.

Some medications can help grow hair back, but once you stop applying or taking them, hair loss usually happens again. A more permanent but much more expensive solution is hair transplant.

An even better option is low-level laser therapy. It is non-invasive, generally less expensive than a hair transplant, and beneficial not only for the growth of new hair but for the health of your existing hair as well.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen is a phase of hair growth where the hair follicle is no longer connected to the root but has not entirely fallen out yet. For people with Telogen effluvium, the hair is stuck at this phase, causing them to quickly lose hair by the handful.

Common causes are severe stress, physical trauma, or hormonal imbalance. This type of hair loss is usually temporary, with the hair growing back gradually after the trigger is resolved.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Severe lack of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and other vitamins and minerals causes hair to be more brittle and vulnerable to breakage, and ultimately leads to hair loss. This is usually brought by crash dieting or an underlying medical condition.


Hair loss is an unfortunate side effect of some medications like blood thinners, beta-blockers, antidepressants, oral contraceptives, or cholesterol-lowering drugs, to name a few. If you experience sudden hair loss while taking one of these medicines, consult your doctor and ask for a lower dose or a viable alternative.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is caused by a medical condition where the immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body, mistaking them for foreign cells. When these attacks reach the hair follicles, eyebrows, or eyelashes, they may fall out in small chunks.

Autoimmune diseases cannot be cured, but their symptoms can be managed. Hair loss, in particular, can be treated with topical applications or injections of steroids to grow the hair back.

Traction alopecia

Traction alopecia is caused by a constant or persistent application of a pulling force or traction to the hair. People with long hair who adopt some hairstyles, like a very tight ponytail or braid, are prone to this condition, which usually resolves itself once the application of the pulling force is stopped.

Our body does not need hair to survive. It is a non-essential tissue, after all, but losing it can be a big blow to one’s appearance. This may never measure up to how far Samson fell when he lost his hair, but it is still enough to cripple one’s confidence.

If you are starting to see more of your hair on the pillow or the floor and everywhere else except where it should be, it is time to consult Natalie’s Skin Solutions, the best in hair regrowth Naples Florida clients could ask for. They offer the Halo Elite Laser Hair Restoration Naples customers can get.

They also have an excellent Hair regrowth Fort Myers Florida center, offering the same high-quality Halo Elite Laser Hair Restoration Fort Myers residents will surely benefit from. Call Natalie's Skin Solutions at (239) 936-7546 or visit their website at and reclaim your crowning glory.

What is Ultrasonic Liposuction and How Does it Work?

How Effective Is Ultrasonic Liposuction?

Lipo Slimming utilizes the latest generation technology called Ultrasonic Liposuction, which is widely recognized as one of the most effective cellulite reduction and localized fat loss techniques available.

It is a modern, non-invasive surgery, reducing fat deposits, body contouring, and cellulite located in places important to us such as:

  • the stomach

  • thighs

  • waist

  • hips

  • buttocks

  • Arms

How Does It Work?

  • This method is based on the use of ultrasonic energy to accurately separate the fat from the surrounding tissue.

  • The generated energy causes the breakdown of fat cells and released fats, such as free fatty acids and glycerol, are transported through the vascular system and lymphatic systems to the liver where it is converted into matter and becomes a source of energy.

  • During the procedure, heated infrared waves (IR) are used in addition to ultrasonic waves. Infrared further promotes liquefaction of fat cells and deeper penetration of the ultrasonic wave.

  • The combination of these two stimuli causes the effect of the treatment to be quickly visible, whilst the operation is completely undetectable.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

  • Reduction of body fat from difficult places

  • Non-invasive and painless

  • A great alternative to liposuction surgery

  • Does not cause damage to other tissues, blood vessels, nerves and skin

  • Does not require recovery like after surgery

  • Rejuvenation and regeneration of soft tissue

  • Oxygenation and nutrition of the skin

  • Modeling body parts

Recommended for:

  • Reduction of body fat, slimming

  • Contouring

  • Cellulite

  • Stretch marks

  • Firming the skin

  • Blood circulation

  • Nourishment

  • To improve skin elasticity

  • Slimming silhouette

  • Stimulation of metabolism

Not recommended for:

  • Pregnancy and lactation

  • Cancer (up to 5 years after the end of treatment)

  • Heart failure, hypertension

  • A viral and bacterial disease of the skin interrupted the continuity of the skin

  • Fever, weakness, and exhaustion of the body

  • The presence in the area of ​​the treatment of foreign bodies metallic implants

  • Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis

  • Menstruation

  • Diabetes

  • Pacemaker, heart valves

  • Liver disease

What are the benefits?

With this liposuction method from Natalie’s Skin Solution uses ultrasound to liquefy stubborn fat deposits, allowing for:

  • Complete removal of excess fatty tissue

  • Reduced risks of bruising and bleeding

  • Reduced risks of trauma to surrounding tissue

  • A decreased recovery time

  • Consistent and pleasing results

What are the risks?

  • It has a gradual healing process that can involve moderate scarring, bruising that may last up to 4-5 months after the surgery, and possible vomiting for the few days following the procedure.

  • It may lead to nutritional deficiencies from malabsorptive operations or anemia.

  • It can cause thrombophlebitis, which is when a blood clot forms in a vein causing that vein to become significantly inflamed. This is more likely when the area treated is inside the knee or upper thigh.

  • Patients may experience numbness in certain areas for several weeks following the procedure, but numbness is usually only temporary.

  • There are risks of skin infections resulting from liposuction. While this is rare, the skin infections may require surgery to fix and could result in scarring.

What to expect?

This cosmetic procedure is among the most common plastic surgeries for both men and women, so it is very popular. It is commonly misunderstood. The purpose of lipo is not necessarily to reduce body weight or remove cellulite as a treatment of obesity. Rather, liposuction is to reshape certain areas of the body, and typically targets problem areas that do not respond well to diet and exercise. While this procedure is not just an alternative as a weight-loss tool, it can do a lot of good.

Recovery Timeline and When You’ll See the Results?

Generally speaking, it can take up to a full year after surgery before you notice the final liposuction results. How long it actually takes before you see results varies from patient to patient.

  • Some people see a dramatic improvement by three or six months after their procedure.

  • Some people assume that they’ve seen their final results by that point, only to realize after a full year that they’ve seen even more results.

  • But thanks to swelling, that initial reduction seems to fade. As soon as the swelling goes down again, you’ll begin to notice results.

Learn More About Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic Liposuction can be an excellent option for getting rid of fatty areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise. In order to make your recovery as effective as possible, it’s important that you follow all your doctor’s orders. Take your time with recovery, and make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure.

If you’d like to learn more about ultrasonic liposuction, check out the rest of our site at Natalie’s Skin Solution. We offer the best ultrasonic liposuction, body contouring, fat transfers, and body sculpting so you can achieve the physical results you’ve been working towards. Schedule a free consultation to start living in a body you love today. Call 239.936.SKIN(7546).

Soprano Ice Pain Free Laser Hair Removal

The Alma Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal safely and gently heats the dermis to a temperature that damages the hair follicle and prevents re-growth, yet doesn’t injure the surrounding skin.

Like earlier generations of the Soprano Family, The Soprano XL is the perfect solution to differentiate your practice in today’s cluttered laser hair removal market. Revolutionary pain-free Soprano treatments have redefined laser hair removal using the gold standard 810-nm diode and Alma’s IN-Motion technology.

The Soprano XL system launches a new era in hair removal – virtually painless hair removal. The Super Hair Removal Mode, SHR, is a revolutionary, new approach for improved effectiveness and comfortable hair removal, dramatically changing the way laser hair removal has been performed for the past 15 years. The revolutionary SHR Mode provides the ideal combination for efficient hair removal:

  1. The SHR Mode uses the optimal hair removal wavelength of 810nm diode for deep penetration into the dermis where the hair follicle is located.

  2. The SHR Mode has consistent, high average power capabilities to enable the 10 pulse-per-second repetition rate for “hair removal in-motion”.

  3. The SHR Mode enables a low fluence, “in-motion” approach for virtually painless hair removal.

The Soprano XL also includes the traditional higher fluence HR (Hair Removal)Mode. Soprano XL can be used safely on all skin types, including tanned skin, and has been shown to provide permanent hair reduction.

Alma Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal Features

  • Easy to operate

  • Gold Standard 810-nm laser diode provides reliable results

  • Sapphire DualChill tip and optional Zimmer Cryo 5 air chiller adapter

  • Permanent hair reduction of all pigmented hair on all skin types

  • IN-Motion™ technology – virtually pain-free hair removal

  • Fast hair removal – large 12 x 10 mm spot, up to 10 Hz repetition rate

  • Fast dermal heating – huge 18 cm2 spot

The Soprano Family of platforms are the ideal standalone hair removal system that is safe, reliable, easy to use – and virtually painless. Through patient-friendly Pain-Free, Hair-Free hair removal procedures, the Soprano adds a proven revenue stream to your practice quickly and easily, as well as deep heating treatments through its NIR handpiece. Alma Lasers supports your Soprano investment through the Alma Lasers Marketing Assistance (A.L.M.A.) program, Office by Alma marketing materials, and an ongoing schedule of training programs.

Alma Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal Applications

Permanent hair reduction on all pigmented hair and all skin types—including tanned skin.

Alma Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal Specifications

  • Light Source: Diode (Continuous Wave)

  • Modes: SHR Mode, HR Mode

  • Wavelength: 810 nm

  • Fluence: Up to 120 J/cm

  • Pulse Duration: 10 – 1,350 ms

  • Spot Size: 12 x 10 mm

  • Repetition Rate: Up to 10 Hz

  • Delivery: Direct coupling through sapphire tip

  • DualChill Integrated Skin Cooling: Sapphire DualChill technique + integrated adapter for Zimmer Cryo 5 for HR Mode

  • Electrical Requirements

    • 120 V | 50 Hz | 20 A | 1 Phase

    • 230 V | 60 Hz | 10 A I 1 Phase

  • Physical Dimensions: 13” W x 16” D x 43” H

  • Weight: 110 lbs.

You may contact us online at or you may reach us at 239.936.(7546).

For more details, you may visit our official website at