Some talks (seminars / conferences / workshops)
Overview of the VoicePrivacy 2024 Challenge
06.09.2024, talk at 4th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication, Kos, Greece, link
The VoicePrivacy 2024 Challenge
27.06.2024, talk at 14ème Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP 2024), Vogüé, France, link
Preserving Speaker’s Privacy and Utility: The VoicePrivacy Progress and VoxCeleb2 Database anonymization
21.11.2023, talk (by Natalia Tomashenko & Xiaoxiao Miao) at workshop "Joint Workshop of VoicePersonae and ASVspoof 2023", Tokyo, Japane, link
Speech contains a lot of personal, private information (e.g., age, gender, personality traits, health and emotional state, socio-economic status, geographical background, etc.) which can be associated to the speaker’s identity using automatic speaker recognition or metadata. Thus, collection, processing, and storage of speech data poses serious privacy risks. Formed in 2020, the VoicePrivacy initiative is spearheading the effort to develop privacy preservation solutions for speech technology. In the first part, we provide an overview of privacy preservation solutions for speech data, with a focus on voice anonymization. We present the VoicePrivacy challenge design including the voice anonymization task and evaluation metrics, and discuss findings of the first two challenge editions. In the second part, we address the legal and ethical concerns that led to the withdrawal of the VoxCeleb2 ASV dataset by creating a privacy-friendly synthetic VoxCeleb2 dataset. Specifically, we employ the state-of-the-art speaker anonymization techniques to anonymize authentic VoxCeleb2 dataset and evaluate the quality of the generated speech in terms of privacy, utility, and fairness. We also discuss the challenges of using synthetic data for the downstream task of speaker verification.
Overview of the VoicePrivacy 2022 Challenge
23.09.2022, 2nd Symposium on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication (satellite event at Interspeech-2022
Seoul, Korea) slides
The VoicePrivacy Challenge
03.11.2021, invited talk (hybrid) at workshop "Speech as Personal Identifiable Information", Leiden, Netherlands, link
End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding and Privacy Preserving Speech Processing
07.01.2021, seminar (virtual), Nancy, France, Multispeech team (Université of Lorraine, Inria, and CNRS), link
This talk is related to two different topics: (1) e2e SLU from speech and (2) privacy preserving speech processing, as well as to the discussion of challenges of these research areas and perspective research directions.
(1) E2e SLU from speech focuses on the scenario where the semantic information is extracted directly from the speech signal by means of a single end-to-end neural network model. Learning semantic information from speech is often challenging due to the lack of available semantically annotated speech corpora or insufficient size of such corpora. The performance of e2e SLU models can be substantially improved by different methods including various knowledge transfer approaches, speaker adaptation and integration of the dialog history information in the form of history vectors.
(2) Privacy preserving speech processing has become an active research area in the recent years due to the growing demand for privacy preservation. The VoicePrivacy initiative aims to promote the development of privacy preservation tools for speech technology by gathering a new community to define the tasks of interest and the evaluation methodology, and benchmarking solutions through a series of challenges. VoicePrivacy takes the form of a competitive challenge. The task of the First VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge was to develop anonymization solutions which suppress personally identifiable information contained within speech signals. At the same time, solutions should preserve linguistic content and speech naturalness. The talk gives an overview of the First VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge and some results.
The VoicePrivacy 2020 Challenge. Official challenge setup and results.
04.11.2020, workshop talk (virtual), Tokyo, Japan, The Voice Privacy 2020 Workshop at Odyssey 2020 (The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop)
Post-evaluation analysis of the results.
04.11.2020, workshop talk (virtual), Tokyo, Japan, The Voice Privacy 2020 Workshop at Odyssey 2020 (The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop)