What are Thermal Blanket Pool covers?

What do covers for thermal blanket pools do?

Thermal pool coverings keep a pool's heat in. They are constructed from a heavy insulating material with other attachments. These pool coverings' main function is to maintain the pool's warm temperature.

These pool covers prevent water evaporation, conserve clean water, and lessen the need for regular replenishing in addition to maintaining temperature.

What are Thermal Blanket Pool coverings made of?

Thermal blanket pool coverings' makeup

Pool Covers: Thermal Blanket vs. Solar

The differences between these two varieties of pool covers are often unclear. The following are some distinctions between these two categories, though:

Heavy, heat-trapping material is used to make thermal blanket pool covers. The water in a pool can still be illuminated by sunshine thanks to solar pool covers, which are made of a translucent material.

Solar pool covers float on the water's surface, while thermal blanket pool covers are firmly fastened above the pool's surface.

Due to its thick construction, thermal pool covers are more effective in retaining heat than solar pool covers.

Solar covers cannot compare to the durability of thermal blanket covers. Solar pool coverings, on the other hand, are more susceptible to unfavourable weather.

Thermal Blanket Pool advantages include

A thermal pool cover's main function is to keep a pool's water temperature stable by retaining heat. Despite this, these pool coverings have a tonne of other advantages.

Temperature Control

Your pool's water does not always remain at the same temperature. Additionally, to maintain a comfortable swimming temperature if you reside in a colder climate, you should regularly insulate your swimming pool.

A thick, heat-resistant material, such polyethylene or vinyl, is used to create thermal blanket pool covers. Additionally, these pool coverings can be enhanced with coatings and adhesives to increase their ability to absorb heat. Therefore, a thermal blanket pool cover keeps the water at a consistent temperature and significantly lengthens the swimming season.

conservation of water

Everyone tries to conserve natural resources because they care about the environment. Water should always be preserved because it is the most important resource for all living things. You can achieve this goal with the use of a thermal pool cover.

This kind of pool cover is thick in composition, as we mentioned earlier. So it aids in water conservation in addition to heat retention. Because the air cannot pass through its material, it lowers water evaporation.

It also maintains the water's cleanliness and lessens the frequency of pool refills. Therefore, if you get this cover for your pool, you get to preserve water. Get your thermal pool cover right away by looking at these pool covers on our website.

Pool Safety & Cleanliness

These pool covers are incredibly thick and prevent dirt and other objects from getting inside the pool. Your pool remains clean as a result, saving time and effort that would otherwise be required to maintain the pool's sanitation and decontamination. Additionally, this feature aids in water conservation. Therefore, using this pool cover offers you a number of advantages.

Despite the hygiene concern, thermal blanket pool covers can protect your pool in a number of ways. For instance, these covers shield pool equipment from the elements, prevent UV rays from penetrating the water, and act as safety covers for your kids and pets.

saving cash

You can significantly reduce your costs by using a thermal pool cover in the following ways:

Thermal pool coverings prevent frequent water refills and maintain the cleanliness of the pool's water. In the end, you save money because your water bills will be lower.

These pool coverings effectively retain heat without the use of additional heat-retaining apparatus. As a result, you avoid spending extra money on them and ultimately save money.

Due to less water evaporation, thermal blanket pool covers also lower the expense of chemicals. Less water evaporating through the pool surface means less chemical evaporating, which means less reapplication is required.

Given the advantages mentioned above, it is clear that utilising a thermal pool cover increases the overall longevity of your pool. Therefore, you might save a lot of money if you consider the cost of pool upkeep over the long term.

What should you think about before purchasing a Thermal Blanket Pool cover?

factors to take into account when purchasing a Thermal Blanket Pool cover


How effectively do thermal pool coverings function?

There are many different varieties of thermal pool covers depending on the composition, design, and other elements. Your pool cover will work best if you get a thermal blanket pool cover after carefully weighing your needs. The cost factor has an impact on its performance as well. Therefore, the quality improves as your budget increases.

What is the most affordable method for wrapping a pool in a thermal blanket?

Here are some suggestions for finding a cheap thermal blanket pool cover:

Purchase a standard-sized cover rather than a personalised one because it is less expensive.

To avoid making a poor purchase, evaluate your pool cover demands before purchasing a thermal cover. You will buy the proper item with your money if you do this.

Purchase a thermal pool cover that is simple in design without the extras, such as reinforced edges and UV protection coatings.

Invest in a thermal pool cover during the off-season to perhaps save money.

What is the most effective technique to use a thermal blanket to cover a pool?

The easiest approach to properly cover your pool with a thermal blanket is as follows:

Your swimming pool's measurements should be measured, and the pool cover should be cut to fit the complete pool surface.

Prior to covering your pool with a heat blanket, clean it.

The bubble side of the pool cover should be facing the water. The result will be greater heat retention and possibly improved performance.

Anchors and cover reels are used to secure the pool cover.

To Sum Up

So, in light of the above, we would advise getting a thermal blanket cover for your pool if you're seeking for a pool cover that performs several purposes, such as safety, maintenance, and resistance to severe environmental variables. This is because it is able to achieve all these goals.

The top pool covers in South Africa are what we offer at Designer Pool Covers. Since we have been in this business for ten years, we have accumulated a large number of satisfied clients. To learn more about us, please visit our resources and products sections.