Advocacy for Education

Leadership matters for the success of our education system and our students. To maintain a vis­i­ble and proac­tive voice in edu­ca­tion, Nebraska ASCD stud­ies cur­rent issues that affect edu­ca­tion in Nebraska. At times, the Nebraska ASCD Executive Board studies spe­cific issues to be shared with our mem­bership when communicating with state and fed­eral leg­is­la­tors to inform education policy. This information may also be helpful to inform par­ents, school boards and staff about impor­tant leg­isla­tive issues that affect Nebraska schools and educators.

Nebraska ASCD encourages mem­bers to communicate with their legislators to influ­ence leg­is­la­tion and policy decisions. Use the Find Your Senator link to find more information regarding your state senator. To stay informed on national issues, join ASCD's Educator Advocates to receive a weekly e-​mail about what is hap­pen­ing in Wash­ing­ton DC and around the coun­try. This weekly e-​mail is another free resource from ASCD that you can use in your own organization.