

The custom PCB, manufactured by Sunstone and assembed by Vast Circuits, features an active NFC reader for identifying passive tags on tools and a 9 degree-of-freedom IMU for tracking user hand motions.

Nvidia Jetson TX2

The microcontroller contains an ARMv8 Multiprocessor CPU Complex with abundant interfaces, and a 256 core NvidiaPascal GPU to support image recognition.

Hardware Components

NFC and IMU integrated in PCB

Adafruit PN532 NFC

  • Features a 10cm transmission range of signals. It uses I2C for object detection.

Adafruit BNO055 IMU

  • Features a 9 degree of freedom accelerometer. It is used for precise motion detection via I2C.

Bluetooth Beacon

Radius Networks RadBeacon Dot

  • Features a 1 meter range of one-way transmission. Wireless connection with on-board Bluetooth unit in order to realize localization.

LCD Display Screen

GeeekPi 5 inch LCD Touch Screen

  • Connected to the main microcontroller through HDMI port. Used to display tasks and procedures in detail, as well as remind errors.