Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Can supplementary material be added beyond the 4-page limit and are there any restrictions on it?

Yes, you may include additional supplementary material, but you should ensure that the main paper is self-contained, since looking at supplementary material is at the discretion of the reviewers. You have 4 pages for the main paper, as many pages as you want for references, and up to 10 pages for supplementary material. Please submit everything as a single PDF.

2. Can we submit a paper even if the open-sourcing process hasn't been completed?

Yes. At submission time, you will have to indicate which points in the NAS best practices checklist you satisfy. For points you don't satisfy please feel free to add an explanation why (e.g., "open-source process started, will be finished by the time of the workshop").

3. Can a submission to this workshop be submitted to another ICLR workshop in parallel?

No, since this would lead to more work for reviewers across multiple workshops.

4. Can a paper be submitted to the workshop that has already appeared at a previous conference with published proceedings (including ICLR 2021)?

We won’t be accepting such submissions unless they have been adapted to contain significantly new results (where novelty is one of the qualities reviewers will be asked to evaluate).

5. Can a paper be submitted to the workshop that is currently under review or will be under review at a conference during the review phase?

NAS workshop submissions are 4 pages, i.e., much shorter than standard conference submissions. But from our side it is perfectly fine to submit a condensed version of a parallel conference submission, if it also fine for the conference in question. Our workshop does not have archival proceedings, and therefore parallel submissions of extended versions to other conferences are acceptable. To be explicit, concurrent submission of full papers to ICML is perfectly fine.

6. Will the workshop be recorded and streamed?

All the videos will be recorded before the workshop day and the links will be available in the website. During the workshop day you will have the chance to interact with the authors or speakers via Gathertown during the allocated times slots as in Schedule.