First ICLR Workshop on Neural Architecture Search (NAS 2020)

April 26th 2020

Collocated with the 8th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020)

As the main conference, this workshop will be fully virtual and live streamed here. For details please see the Practical Information and the FAQ.

To participate in the workshop:


Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is the logical next step in automating the learning of representations. It follows upon the recent transition from manual feature engineering to automatically learning features (using a fixed neural architecture) by replacing manual architecture engineering with automated architecture design. NAS can be seen as a subfield of automated machine learning (AutoML) and has significant overlap with hyperparameter optimization and meta-learning. NAS methods have already outperformed manually-designed architectures on several tasks, such as image classification, object detection or semantic segmentation. They have also already found architectures that yield a better trade-off between resource consumption on target hardware and predictive performance.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from industry and academia that focus on NAS. NAS is an extremely hot topic of large commercial interest, and as such has a bit of a history of closed source and competition. It is therefore our goal to build a strong, open, inclusive, and welcoming community of colleagues (and ultimately friends) behind this research topic, with collaborating researchers that share insights, code, data, benchmarks, training pipelines, etc, and together aim to advance the science behind NAS. We encourage all submissions to release code and follow the best practices laid out in the NAS best practices checklist.

Keynote Speakers


Note that due to the change of format to a virtual workshop, we will upload the video recordings of every invited talk (40 min) and contributed talk (15 min) before the actual workshop day to the Accepted Papers page. We plan to upload the videos by April 19th, but there might also be delays due to the current situation. Additionally, during the virtual poster session, you will have the chance to watch a 5 minute video recording for each poster, where the presenter provides a high-level overview of their paper.


Frank Hutter, Aaron Klein, Liam Li, Jan Hendrik Metzen, Nikhil Naik and Arber Zela


We are very thankful to our sponsor!