How Does a Perfect-Fitting Bra Increase a Woman's Confidence?

Whatever her bust size, a perfect-fitting bra can boost a woman's confidence in various ways as well as make her feel great mentally and physically. Feeling uncomfortable in your clothing may make you feel less confident about your appearance when you're at work, on a date, or anywhere in public. By getting properly fit and obtaining a bra that fits perfectly, you can ramp up your confidence level knowing that you look your best in your clothing.

Woes of the Ill-Fitted Bra

When a bra doesn't fit the way it's supposed to, it can affect your day--certainly your mood. Imagine you are sitting in a job interview and your bra strap keeps falling off your shoulder. Instead of focusing on interview questions, you're annoyed with your bra strap. Imagine you're out to dinner and each time you lean forward, you feel your bra band begin to ride up over your breasts. Let's face it--a bra needs to do its job so we don't have to give it a second thought. When it fits you poorly, you're annoyed at the very least and feeling less confident about your appearance at the worst.

The Proper Fit Just Feels Right

According to many lingerie experts, women should get properly sized for a bra every six to twelve months. "Changes in breast size or shape can happen for a variety of reasons including pregnancy, weight loss or gain, medication and even simply aging." (1) When you know your size, you can shop for a bra that's more likely to fit. Even so, it's ideal to try bras on since some styles may not be comfortable or provide you with the flattering look you are after. If you aren't sure how to properly fit yourself, ask a staff member at your lingerie shop to measure you.

The Confidence Factor

When you put on a bra that fits and feels good, you'll love wearing it. A proper-fitting bra makes you look better in your clothing. Knowing this, you're likely to feel 生理中 豆乳 more confident when you are out in public. In addition, a bra that provides you with the support you need and flatters your breasts makes you walk a little taller and smile a little brighter too.

Picking Out the Perfect Bra

Once you know your measurements, take time to try on different styles so you can determine which ones look most flattering to you and feel best. You may find that some materials or their accents simply don't feel good against your skin. Again, don't choose a bra that's going to be frustrating to wear. Choose fabrics that feel soft against your skin, but also provide the support and structure you need from a bra.