Narae Lee (이나래)

Non-market strategy scholar at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

 I am broadly interested in strategic aspects of corporate social performance. Specifically, my current research delves into the intricate interplay of factors influencing corporate environmental sustainability performance. 

My interest in this area was sparked while I was at the Inter-American Development Bank, where I managed projects aimed at encouraging small and medium-sized firm owners in Latin and Caribbean countries to make their manufacturing processes more energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable. While observing the diverse responses of these owners to both government-led and industry-led projects, I became curious about the factors influencing their decisions to invest in more sustainable yet expensive technologies. This led me to question the underlying determinants guiding owners' choices in adopting environmentally sustainable practices. 

My interest in corporate sustainability performance has developed over the years, influenced by the guidance of my PhD. advisors, interactions with colleagues and insights from practitioners. This evolution has led me to delve into a more nuanced understanding of corporate social performance. Among the topics I have explored, or continue to pursue, are the effectiveness of environmental regulations, the impact of civil society pressures and the implications of the multi-dimensionality of social performance. 

My research has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, including Robert J.Litschert Award at the AOM (2022), Best Paper with Practical Implications at the SMS (2022), POSCO Corporate Citizenship Research Award (2022) and the Best Conference Paper Award at the Innovation to Tackle Global Sustainability (2023). I am also the recipient of Research in Strategic Management grant from the Strategic Management Society . 

Since joining KAIST, my focus has shifted to a newfound interest in clean technologies, particularly their role in addressing grand social challenges - an aspect that remains underexplored in management literature. I am eager to understand the strategic aspects of these technologies and find implications for sustainable business practices.