

Implementation of Assortative Matching Under Incomplete Information, (Journal of Economic Theory)

Information Hold Up and Intermediaries (Games)

Working Papers

Relational College Admissions via the "Old Boys' Club" (under review at Social Choice And Welfare; most recent draft 8/29/2023)

A Position Assignment Experiment Among Active Duty U.S. Navy Physicians (with Richard Childers, Alicea Mingo, Joel Schofer, and William Howard Beasley; revise and resubmit at Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design; most recent draft 7/17/2023)

When Does A Centralized Market Dominate Search? (most recent draft 4/26/2022)

Work in Progress

Equilibrium in Second-Price Auctions with Endogenous Borrowing Constraints (with Ashwin Kambhampati and Peter Yamasaki)

Service Assignment at the US Naval Academy (with Ashwin Kambhampati and Chad Redmer)

Matching With Endogenous Firm Creation

Matching with Interdependent Preferences (with Skyler Mason)

Cutting in Line: The Effect of Budget Constraints on College Admissions

A Median Voter Theorem With Unacceptable Candidates