Requirements in IoT course

During the summer semester 2023, the course "Requirements in IoT systems" was held in the software and machinery departments.

As part of this course, the students learned various issues in contemporary RE (requirements engineering), and designed a working prototype, focusing on building a smart sensor-based system for physical therapy rehabilitation. 

The course included lectures on cloud computing, systems architecture, requirements types and design, risks and technical debt. In each lecture,the students were instructed to complete a task with regards to the project, with an active learning session.

Several issues were studied in a gamified fun way. For instance, they used candies to learn the concept of Taxonomy, and the marshmallow challenge to learn the concept of boundary objects.


As part of the course, the students focused on three types of devices: a rehabilitation walker, parallels with an obstacle course, and a bionic glove.

 Each group focused on a rehabilitation device, and adds sensors and a controller to the device

 that transmits information to the application, built by the students.

Two weeks before the final presentations, we held a studio with peer-reviews

 The goal was to facilitate the work of the physiotherapist, who will be able to monitor the patients to the rehabilitation process, as well as give real-time information to the patient about the progress of the rehabilitation.

Some pictures from the final presentations: