Extracted from 《南洋名人集傳》/ The

Collected Biographies of Nanyang Celebrities on LOW YOK LIN(劉毓麟)

Researched by Lau Saw Lan

Source from NUS ( logo downloaded from website):


Summary from NUS' Website

南洋名人集传 or Biographies of Prominent Personalities in Nanyang records of prominent Chinese in Southeast Asia, including). Most of these Chinese living in Malaya and Singapore in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were notable for their righteous characters and life contributions.The first volume was published in 1922 in Penang. The chief editor, Lin Bo-Ai (林博爱), was an advocate of Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary beliefs. In the prologue, he described the book’s aims “to glorify kind deeds, recognise talents, in order to inspire and encourage (fellow Nanyang Chinese to build a strong foundation for the country).”




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Episode 21, page around 215


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Cross referencing to ensure  the veracity of the publication.

Another feature article, published by a local newspaper, mentioned the same publication and included details confirming Low Yok Lin's identity, such as his mother's name and place of birth. This article, titled '从“有年”到“丰裕” - 副刊 - 专栏 - 文化空间 | 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily  Sin Chew Daily, serves as a cross-reference to verify the source's accuracy." Refer to Appendix A.

Extracted Biography from the publication on Low Yok Lin:

In Chinese


君姓劉。。名毓麟。。玉書其字也。。父傯謙8操商業8母黃氏8以賢慧聞。。三十年前。。始生君于建晉江縣之河市鄕焉。。君天資敏慧8異於常人。迨九歲8乃就學於該鄕之學 。0 師某。。以君性行謙謹而有禮。。活潑而可愛。。乃勤教之8乃父乃母。。亦常以勤謹學業為訓勉。。而君則志道據德依仁游藝8守父母訓8遵良師言8而發奮詩書8涉獵經史矣。。詎意老天不仁。。不延乃父年8而竟奪乃父之夀以去。。於是乎君之家以坎坷8乃不得不棄學而就商矣。。越四年8君因家鄕謀生為難。。且志趣 大8殊不願永守家井。。而無所發展也。。乃毅然而南渡。。抵馬來島之椄榔嶼埠8其始也8在某米較內任工職8俄而東主奇君才。。竟升任記席。。而增乃薪焉。

久之。。君因病篤。。乃辭職返國8逾年疾已8乃復南渡至霹 屬之太平坡8盖就崇實商號記席之聘也8然君素來8志趣非凡8雅不願久居於人之籬下8自維當此生存競爭劇烈之

界8 若非自謀自立8則永無發展之希望。。於是乃與其胞叔父惟明君共創有年商號。。經營米及樹




餘衣葛。。幷偕友 王振相君合營錫礦事業。。



社務8則進行不 餘力。。故進步殊速焉。。宩魯生 8


English Translation

Mr. Liu Yulin

Your surname is Liu, and your given name is Yulin. The characters of your name are like words inscribed in jade. Your father, Zengqian, was involved in commerce, and your mother, Mrs. Huang, was known for her wisdom and virtue. Thirty years ago, you were born in Heshi Village, Jianjinjiang County. You possessed exceptional natural talents that set you apart from the average person.

At the age of nine, you started your education in the local school under the guidance of a certain teacher. Your modesty, politeness, liveliness, and charm made you a beloved student. Both your parents and your teacher emphasized diligence and discipline in your education. You, in turn, embraced the path of virtue, kindness, and the pursuit of arts, adhering to your parents' teachings and the wise words of your teachers. You delved into poetry, literature, and classical texts.

Unfortunately, fate was unkind, taking your father at a young age, leaving your family in a difficult situation. Your family had no choice but to abandon your education and turn to business. After four years, you faced economic difficulties in your hometown, and your desire for a more significant future led you to make a bold decision to travel south to Penang, Malaysia. You initially worked in a rice mill, but your exceptional talents soon caught the attention of the mill's owner, resulting in your promotion to a managerial position.

After some time, due to severe illness, you resigned and returned to your homeland. Several years passed, and your health improved, allowing you to make another journey south, this time to Taiping, Perak. There, you took up a position with the Chongshi Trading Company, working as a clerk. However, your aspirations were far from ordinary, and you had no desire to remain in the shadow of others. Given the fierce competition in the world, you realized that without self-reliance and self-determination, there would be no hope for your development. Consequently, you, along with your cousin Weiming, established a trading company. Over the years, your proficiency in commerce led to the prosperity and expansion of your business, which has now thrived for four to five years.

You are known for your thriftiness and a keen interest in activities like rubber plantation and tin mining, which led to the establishment of a rubber plantation. You also partnered with your friend Wang Zhenxiang in the tin mining business, operating under the name of Ri Tong Fa Company. In addition to your business ventures, you have made significant contributions to society, including your role in founding the Taiping Lide Society, where your name stands out for your significant efforts in its establishment. As a result, the society has made rapid progress.

In summary, Mr. Liu Yulin.

Appendix A- Supporting information on how the publication was found

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From NUS Library ( digital format) https://lib.nus.edu.sg/sea_chinese/documents/nan_yang_ming_ren_ji_zhuan_2a.pdf

Episode 21, page around 215