This is can be a problem on Windows 10, if you have display scaling set to a value above 100%. Windows in that case will resize the screen on top of dosbox resizing the screen, which can happen for the output: ddraw, opengl, openglnb, overlay. You can disable this Windows behaviour by enabling a specific compatibility setting:

A rather unusual example, just to demonstrate what you can do (Windows): dosbox D:\folder\file.exe -c "MOUNT Y H:\MyFolder" This mounts D:\folder as C:\ and runs file.exe. Before it does that, it will first mount H:\MyFolder as the Y drive. In Windows, you can also drag directories/files onto the DOSBox executable.

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Valid on all systems, under windows the -noioctl switch has to be present to make use of the -usecd switch. Enables to select the drive that should be used by SDL. Use this if the wrong or no CD-ROM drive is mounted while using the SDL CD-ROM interface. "number" can be found by "MOUNT -cd".

Mounting your entire C drive with MOUNT C C:\ is NOT recommended! The same is true for mounting the root of any other drive, except for CD-ROMs (due to their read-only nature). Otherwise if you or DOSBox make a mistake you may lose all your files. Also never mount a "Windows" or "Program Files" folders or their subfolders in Windows Vista/7 as DOSBox may not work correctly, or will stop working correctly later. It is recommended to keep all your dos applications/games in a simple folder (for example c:\dosgames) and mount that.

All of the IPX networking is managed through the internal DOSBox program IPXNET. For help on the IPX networking from inside DOSBox, type "IPXNET HELP" (without quotes) and the program will list the commands and relevant documentation.

With regard to actually setting up a network, one system needs to be the server. To set this up, type "IPXNET STARTSERVER" (without the quotes) in a DOSBox session. The server DOSBox session will automatically add itself to the virtual IPX network. For every additional computer that should be part of the virtual IPX network, you'll need to type "IPXNET CONNECT ".

 For example, if your server is at, you would type "IPXNET CONNECT" on every non-server system.

By default (cycles=auto) DOSBox tries to detect whether a game needs to be run with as many instructions emulated per time interval as possible (cycles=max, sometimes this results in game working too fast or unstable), or whether to use fixed amount of cycles (cycles=3000, sometimes this results in game working too slow or too fast). But you can always manually force a different setting in the DOSBox's configuration file.

DOSBox will load configuration files that are specified with -conf. If none were specified, it will try to load "dosbox.conf" from the local directory. If there is none, DOSBox will load the user configuration file. This file will be created if it doesn't exist.

A language file can be generated by CONFIG.COM, which can be found on the internal DOSBox Z: drive when you start up DOSBox. Look in the Section 4: "Internal programs" for usage of CONFIG.COM.

 Read the language file, and you will hopefully understand how to change it. Start DOSBox with the -lang switch to use your new language file. Alternatively, you can setup the filename in the configuration file in the [dosbox] section. There's a language= entry that can be changed with the filelocation.

To run on Windows 95 or NT4 without Active Desktop requires a modification to DOSBox so that it doesn't store the dosbox.conf in the user profile, see my thread here where I am wiriting guides on compiling DOSBox: DOSBox Compilation Guides

For NT3.51 a further change is to modify the DOSBox configure to use WSOCK instead of Winsock2.

For NT3.50 a further change it to modify SDL to disable fullscreen and copy the joystick file from 3.51 to 3.50.

To run on Windows 95 or NT4 without Active Desktop requires a modification to DOSBox so that it doesn't store the dosbox.conf in the user profile, see my thread here where I am wiriting guides on compiling DOSBox: DOSBox Compilation Guides lost me a bit though. I visited that thread, and dosbox.conf it says "Need to look into setting dosbox.cfg or dosbox.ini in dosbox code although dosbox still reads "dosbox.conf" as "dosbox.con" in DOS anyway" - then links to a Github which doesn't mention dosbox.conf anywhere so I don't quite know what exactly I have to do to modify this to run on my Windows 98SE system...

Which release do I want there? The options which may pertain to me are: dosbox351x32.exe, dosboxx32.exe, (NT one isn't for me as I'm running 98SE), or dosbox95x32.exe (which I assume will work on Win98SE)? I browsed the documentation folder and didn't see what the difference is between versions. Struck out in googling all those mentioned on the same page too (sorry if I'm asking stupid questions...I'm trying to be proactive and find the answer myself but I struck out...)


I run windows 95B under dosbox 0.74 

With machine=svga_s3 the display of icons is completely messed up for 256 colors, 16 bits and 32 bits colors.

I tried somes other s3 drivers but I didn't found something working properly 

It is working for someone with svga_s3 ?


I'm trying to install Windows 95B under DOSBox 0.74 (stock version, not the MegaBuild or any other modified revisions) - I got it all working smooth until the finalization stage when the installer sets up the Control Panel etc., there are many errors at that period saying "The program performed an illegal operation and will be closed" (this is usually referring to RegSvr32 or RunDll32). The installation completes and Win95 runs, but it's impossible to open the control panel to change the settings (the Explorer crashes) - is that normal behavior so far or is it just me doing something wrong?

My install was entirely done on core=normal. Actually, I installed it on core=simple before, which worked too until I reached Windows proper at which point it resulted in massive visual glitches. It should be working. Are you sure your Windows ISO is not damaged somehow?


I've installed Win 3.1 in DOSBox 0.72 along with the S3 video drivers that I found links for in these forums. I've been wanting to get the 1995 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia up and running - my favorite multimedia encyclopedia, which I haven't been able to use for years. When I install it, the install goes through perfectly, then the install of the Apple Quicktime Movie Player 2.01 begins after Grolier is installed. It goes all the way to 100% then gives a message that the install was canceled and unsuccessful. When I try to launch Grolier, I get an error that says something like "QT initialization failed" and Grolier crashes. So then I tried to install the 1994 and 1996 version. The 1994 version works perfectly. Instead of Quicktime, it installs some Windows Movie Player.

When I install the 1996 version, everything installs perfectly, including the Quicktime Movie Player 2.03. But when I go to load the '96 Grolier, eveything works fine except the movies. When I open the Quicktime player from within windows 3.1 and not in the encyclopedia, it says it can't play the movie. After the '96 version of Grolier was installed, I then tried the '95. It opened! Yayy!, ? but it couldn't play any movies ? just like the '96 version.

So it's obviously the Movie Player. Is there anyone that knows a fix or anything I can try to get this to work? Thanks.

Quicktime players for Windows 3.x were a royal pain in the... and afterwards Quicktime 3.x or so made all the Quictime based CDs like your encxclopedia not working... I may take a look soon with my multimedia CDs...

I tried to put these lines on each dosbox-0.74.conf located in each translation folder, but still not working.I think that the application doesn't run this configuration file, it seems to be another file, but which one? I've made a search of dosbox and these were the only files existing.

Windows 95 sorta-kinda works on DOSBox. I went through the motions several times before I got it to work, but the main issue is that DOSBox doesn't really work out-of-the-box with Win95. There is another project called DOSBox-X which attempts to address some of the quirks that prevent Windows 95 from running on it and as such they have guides on how to do it. There are other web pages you can search on the web which will walk you through installation of Windows 95 on DOSBox (e.g. 'win95 on dosbox').

To launch Windows, type cd windows to change to the Windows directory, then type win to start Windows. At this point Windows should load successfully, but without sound. We need to install sound and video drivers to get the most out of the Windows 3.1 experience.

I haven't been using dosbox in a while, but it seems that some recent upgrade (certainly within last month) made all my games, on two different machines, unable to capture mouse (ctrl+f10 doesn't work either). I have tried to downgrade some of the packages (like xorg-xinput, libinput), but the list of potential candidates is couple dozen long. Any clue which direction I should look? Anyone noticing the same issue?

I've also been having this issue with dosbox. I can get the mouse to work if I make dosbox fullscreen, but then theres a constant cursor flickering in the middle of the screen. I had fixed the issue by downgrading my packages to 5/16/2018.

I've also been having this issue with dosbox. I can get the mouse to work if I make dosbox fullscreen, but then theres a constant cursor flickering in the middle of the screen. I had fixed the issue by downgrading my packages to 5/16/2018. 


So I think it has to be one of these packages causing the issue for me, but I'm not sure exactly which. be457b7860

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