Next Story project

NExt story

Bad soldiers 

The captivating world of Nanoverse-Fire Hero Universe, where each story builds upon the rich legacy of our iconic superhero, Shaheen. In this interconnected realm of valor and intrigue, every heroic saga serves as a crucial stepping stone to the next. As we journey through the thrilling adventures of Shaheen, we witness the birth of a universe teeming with remarkable characters and breathtaking narratives. Now, brace yourselves for the upcoming tale that will take the Nanoverse by storm - "Bad Soldier." Prepare to be engulfed in a whirlwind of suspense, as this electrifying new chapter promises to seamlessly intertwine with the existing tapestry of heroism and ignite the imaginations of fans old and new. Nanoverse-Fire Hero Universe continues to evolve, with "Bad Soldier" poised to set hearts racing and cementing its place as a must-follow saga within this extraordinary cosmos.

Bad soldier

"Bad Soldier" is a complex and enigmatic superhero with military origins. Their name derives from a classified mission, reflecting their shadowy past. Fueled by an intense history marked by brutality, they grapple with inner anger while fighting for justice. Neither fully aligned with traditional heroism nor embracing full antihero status, Bad Soldier navigates a morally ambiguous path, adding a captivating layer of depth to their character. Bad solider  encounter a serum called 'Weapon Ide  delta"' This serum, meant to enhance their abilities, strength, stamina  and anger


"Revernger" is a brave and skilled soldier known for his role in the elite team called the 'Reverngers,' named after their mission to seek justice for the innocent. He is not only a top-notch warrior but also a close friend of another soldier known as Bad Soldier. However, their lives take a dark turn when they encounter a serum called 'Weapon Ide.' This serum, meant to enhance their abilities, ends up unleashing a wave of evil and negativity within Revernger. As a result, he turns against his own army and even his former friend, Bad Soldier. The story follows the gripping struggle as Revernger's once-heroic intentions are consumed by the sinister forces of the serum, putting him on a collision course with those he once fought alongside."

KArtar singh

"Kartar Singh" is a brave and skilled young man, the grandson of the renowned scientist "Harbjeet Singh". He's part of the PSF (Pakdesh Special Force), a group of exceptional soldiers. Kartar is not only a loyal friend to "Bad Soldier" and "Revenger," but he's also a top-notch soldier himself. He balances his family's proud legacy with his duty to protect, serving as a perfect example of dedication and courage. They encounter a serum called 'Weapon Ide X"' This serum, meant to enhance their abilities,  and make them a perfect super solider.

divine stone

Introducing "Divine Stone," the sensational new superhero with a face that ignites like a blazing fire! Prepare to be amazed as we launch this electrifying character into our Nanoverse, setting the world of superheroes ablaze with their divine presence. Get ready for a thrilling adventure like never before! 🔥💫