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I am an Overleaf Advisor. As an author, I use Overleaf always. Overleaf is a state-of-the-art text processing platform of advanced manner. It gives an unparalleled dimension of collaborative writing.  Please drop me a line if you have any LaTeX or Overleaf related questions. If you are in Cambridge or Eindhoven and want to organise an Overleaf workshop, please do let me know. 


Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Centre for Mathematical Sciences

University of Cambridge

Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK

Maxwell Centre, Cavendish Laboratory

University of Cambridge

JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK


Single Molecule Optics Group

Huygens Laboratory

Leiden Institute of Physics

Niels Bohrweg 2

2333 CA Leiden 

The Netherlands



Physics of Light in Complex Systems

Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science

Princetonplein 5

3584 CC Utrecht 

The Netherlands

Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging for Biophysics and Complex Systems

IIIrd Institute of Physics - Biophysics and Complex Systems

Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1

37077 Goettingen, Germany

M2D2 Laboratory

Indian Institute of Science 

Bangalore 560 012
