Inquiry and its norms 2024

June 13-14 2024.

UNED, Humanities Building Room B

Paseo de Senda del Rey 7, Madrid.


Arianna Falbo

Bentley University

Céline Henne

University of Toronto

Matthew McGrath 

Whasington University in St. Louis

Jesús Navarro and Daniel Pino

University of Sevilla

Luis Rosa

University of Cologne

Verena Wagner

University of Konstanz 

Chris Willard-Kyle

University of Glasgow


Javier González De Prado 


Michele Palmira

Complutense University of Madrid


June 13, 2023

9:30am-10:50am – Chris Willard-Kyle (Glasgow)

“Interrogative Transmission”

10:50am-11:20am: Coffee Break

11:20am-12:40pm – Verena Wagner (Konstanz)

“Suspension and Inquiry: Acts, States, and Processes”

Lunch: 1pm-3pm

3:pm-4:20pm – Luis Rosa (Cologne)

“On Questions and Pseudo-Questions”

4:20pm-4:30pm Small Break

4:30pm-5:10pm – Arianna Falbo (Bentley)

"Inquiry for the Mistaken and Confused"

Dinner: 8pm

June 14, 2023

9:30am-10:50am – Jesús Navarro and Daniel Pino (Sevilla)

“The Boundaries of Gnoseology”

10:50am-11:20am - Coffee Break

11:20am-12:40pm – Céline Henne (Toronto)

“A Pragmatist Theory of Inquiry for Zetetic Epistemology” 

Lunch: 1pm-3pm

3pm-4:20pm – Matthew McGrath (Whasington University in St. Louis)

“Should have known and epistemically appropriate belief”


Format: This an in-person event. If you’d like to attend, please let Javier González de Prado

(, or Michele Palmira ( know.


Funding and organization: The workshop is funded by the research project

“The nature and normativity of inquiry” (Spanish-Government grant: PID2021-123938NB-I00).