Training Workshop of "Nanopore-Based Single-Molecule Analysis"

October 09, 2020

The workshop contains fundamental courses of nanopore technologies knowledge and experimentation in practice.

Schedule : 09:00 AM (Beijing Time), October 09, 2020

Prof. Jiali Li

University of Arkansas

Threading DNA Molecules Immobilized on A Tuning Fork based Force Sensing Probe Tip through a Solid-state Nanopore

Prof. Yunfei Chen

Southeast University

Fabriction of Solid-Nanopore

Prof. Yaoqun Li

Xiamen University


Prof. Yilun Ying

Nanjing University

Biological Nanopore Techniques for Single-Molecule Analysis

Dr. Zhengli Hu

Nanjing University

Experimental Course for Biological Nanopore

Dr. Federico Thei

Elements SRL

ELEMENTS handheld tools for Nanopore and ion channels research – from nanopore based single molecule detection, to single channel recordings in synthetic lipid bilayer