The Gold Standard in Nanodiagnostics.



公司名稱NanoKemy由 Nanotechnology(奈米科技)與 Alchemy(改變物質的魔力,俗稱煉金術)兩字組合成。期望以金奈米(膠體金)為基礎,開發出符合現在精準醫療趨勢的檢測工具,更進一步應用在各式檢驗上。


主要著重於各式快速檢測試劑與平台的開發, 研發團隊擁有豐富的橫向免疫分析平台(Lateral Flow Immunoassay)開發經驗。




About NanoKemy

NanoKemy Corporation, coined from “Nano” +” Alchemy”, where Alchemy is the medieval origin of chemistry, very early scientists aimed to convert lead into gold, which is an inspiration for our company.

We focus on lateral flow, flow through and microfluidic assay formats.

We design, develop, manufacture, and market reagents for the rapid diagnostic test industry includes qualitative, quantitative, and reader-based assay systems for various analytes.

We have extensive experience in rapid diagnostic test.

We also offer consultation services, custom conjugations to colloidal gold/ gold nanoparticles, and custom assay development in the lateral flow.

Products produced by NanoKemy Corporation are applied to rapid tests for pregnancy, drug abuse, infectious diseases, veterinary, agriculture, environmental testing, tumor markers, and other disease state applications.

To learn more or to talk to someone about your specific requirements, please contact our team by email or call us on +886-920-372915