The Future of Farming Is Nano-fertilizer
As the world's population grows, traditional farming methods and the amount of food grown are under more pressure. Some of the biggest problems facing agriculture around the world are crops that don't produce as much as they used to, soils with less organic matter, low efficiency in using nutrients, and a lack of water. Several new and creative ways are used in modern farming to help plants grow faster and produce enough food to meet the needs of the whole world.
One of the most important elements for plant growth is nitrogen. Scientists in agriculture are working on a number of ways to make plants better at using N. All over the world, agriculture can't grow as much as it could because of how N is used. Normal fertilizer doesn't use N as well as 40–50% as it could. Farmers are using more and more fertilizers to get their crops to grow as much as they want them to. When nitrogen is used too much, the amount of ammonia and greenhouse gasses in the air can go up. This is a scary economic and environmental problem that comes from growing crops in large quantities.
Help is on the way: Nano Fertilizer
Nano fertilizer is an engineered agrochemical that is being tested for use on leaves or the ground. Scientists who study soil hope that using nano fertilisers on different crop species will make it easier for crops to use N. The results look very good, and they may be able to solve the problem of using too many nitrogen fertilizers. It is good for the environment and a great alternative to traditional fertilizer, so it is also called "smart fertilizer."
Studies have shown that nanomaterials have a positive effect on the height, germination rate, and root growth of plants.
Nano fertilizers are good because they give the environment a chance to recover from the damage that has been done to it. For farming to be sustainable in the future,
nanotechnology must be used.
Nano fertilizers' Pros and Cons
They are better at making use of the plant's mineral resources.
Compared to traditional fertilizers, you only need a small amount of nano fertilizers to get the crop yield you want. This is very energy-efficient because it takes less energy to make, transport, and use.
Fertilizer doesn't go to waste as much because plants use it to grow tissues, branches, and do other things. It cuts down on pollution in the air a lot. There is less chance of fertilizer getting into the ground or sea through the air, runoff, or water.
High nitrogen use efficiency is changing the way agriculture works because it solves the problems of plants not growing and not getting enough nutrients. This is also good for the environment and for farming in a sustainable way.
Some Nano fertilizers, like polymer-coated fertilisers, keep nutrients from coming into contact with soil and water too soon. This makes sure that nutrients are released in a controlled way.
These fertilizers dissolve easily in water, which makes it easier for them to get into the soil and help the plant.
With all of its benefits, using Nano fertilizers and other organic matter could help solve some environmental and economic problems. When crops don't need as much fertilizer, they can be grown for less money. High rates of nitrogen absorption and less loss of nitrogen help solve the problem with the environment. Overall, it is farming that doesn't produce any carbon that will lead the market in the future.
Nano-fertilizers are on the market, but there aren't many of them. Soon, things will be different because of how well these materials work. Suppliers of nano fertilizer are marketing this product as a common type of fertilizer so that it will sell better on the market. Slowly but surely, the world will realize how important this fertilizer is and how it will change the way agriculture works.