Portable Plasmonic Nanochip for Fast-On-Site Cardiac Troponin Biomarker Quantitative Diagnostic Test

Experimental - Demonstration Project


The main objective of this project is to combine the expertise of the partners to successfully transfer a new concept of biosensing into a practical application, in particular to implement a portable plasmonic nanochip based on the LSPR detection into a real-molecular diagnostic application, such as on-site detection of the cardiac troponin biomarkers.

The key objectives that will be attained by the consortium are:

► Fabrication of a plasmonic nanochip with Y-shaped design;

► Functionalization of the integrated AuBPs with biorecognition elements;

► Testing the plasmonic nanochip for cardiac troponin biomarkers in simulated biological fluids;.

► Validation of the portable plasmonic nanochip for cTn LSPR detection from real human serum samples from patients

Funded by


CS I Habil Dr Monica FOCSANE-mail: monica.iosin@ubbcluj.roTel: 0264454554/116 Nanobiophotonics and Laser Microspectroscopy Center Babes-Bolyai University, 42 Treboniu Laurian, 400271, Cluj Napoca, Romania