Nano For Advanced Clean Energy(NanoFACE)Laboratory 

Our mission is to achieve a sustainable energy economy by developing advanced nanostructured materials based clean energy technologies, addressing energy and environment---two major challenges of the 21st century. 

News & Highlights

Jan. 16, 2024: Wenjing successfully defended her thesis and passed the PhD final exam.  Congratulations, Dr. Deng!  

Jan. 03, 2024: Our recent work on deep eutectic electrolyte for ZIBs is accepted by Angewandte Chemie.  Well done, Wenjing

Dec. 20, 2023: Our recent work on electrocatalytic synthesis of H2O2 on Au@Pd nanowires is accepted by JACS.  Many thanks to our close collaborators, Dr. Samira Siahrostami at SFU and Dr. Ning. Chen at CLS!  Well done, Zhiping!  

We thank the generous support from funding sources!