Nano Optics - Unime

The group is part of the macrogroup Micro and Nanosystems (MNS)

Chief Scientist: Prof. Rosalba Saija

Main Research Field

In the framework of classical electrodynamics and T-matrix approach, we theoretically study the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter to understand the optical phenomena on nanometer scale. Motivated by the rapid advance of nanoscience and nanotechnology, our research work explores the far-field behaviour of scattered light as well as the nature of optical near-fields. Particular interest is placed on the opto-mechanical properties induced by the interaction radiation-matter. In this context the theoretical bases underlying the optical manipulation technologies of natural and anthropogenic substances are studied in depth.

Reference book

This book provides the first coherent account of a well-known approach to the problem of light scattering by small anisotropic particles. In this extended second edition the authors have encompassed all the new topics arising from their recent studies of cosmic dust grains. Thus many chapters were deeply revised and new chapters were added. The book addresses a wide spectrum of applications.

Physics of Earth and Space Environments, Springer Verlag , ISBN-10: 3642072216, ISBN-13: 978-3642072215

Ferdinando Borghese

(26 May 1940–19 January 2017)

Here we summarize the life and scientific legacy of Ferdinando Borghese (1940–2017). He has been a pioneer in the theory and modeling of light scattering by nonspherical particles and clusters in the framework of the transition matrix approach. His work has found applications in many research fields ranging from interstellar dust to aerosol science, plasmonics, and optical trapping.

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (2017) 201: 226-228