Optical Nanomaterials Lab

Optical nanomaterials design for biomedical and optoelectronic applications

Predictable incorporation of nitrogen into carbon dots: insights from pinacol rearrangement and iminium ion cyclization

Nitrogen-doped carbon dots (CDs) have attracted considerable attention across various research areas and applications due to their enhanced optical properties and photostability. However, the mechanism of nitrogen incorporation in CDs remains elusive, hampering the precise control over nitrogen-incorporated structures and the investigation of the effects of nitrogen on the electronic structure and optical properties of CDs. In this study, we employed a rational design approach, utilizing glucosamine and ethylene glycol as the carbon source and co-reagent, respectively, to synthesize N-doped CDs. Our synthesis strategy involved pinacol rearrangement and iminium ion cyclization reactions, enabling the reliable formation of N-doped CDs. Notably, the resulting CDs exhibited distinctive emissive states attributed to heteroatomic defect structures, including oxygenic and nitrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. To gain further insights into their energy levels and electronic transitions, we conducted comprehensive investigations, employing extended Hückel calculations and pump-probe spectroscopy. The synthesized CDs displayed great promise as bioimaging and photodynamic therapy agents, highlighting their potential for biomedical applications. Moreover, our study significantly contributes valuable insights into the rational design of N-doped CDs with controllable chemical and electronic structures, thereby paving the way for advancements in their diverse range of applications. This work has been published in Nanoscale Advances (IF = 5.598). 

Clinical big-data-based design of GLUT2-targeted carbon nanodots for accurate diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

Despite advances in diagnostic and therapeutic methods, the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains poor due to the delay in diagnosis. Herein, we aimed to discover a highly sensitive and specific biomarker for HCC based on genomic big data analysis and create an HCC-targeted imaging probe using carbon nanodots (CNDs) as contrast agents. In genomic analysis, we selected glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) as a potential imaging target for HCC. We confirmed the target suitability by immunohisto-chemistry tests of 339 patient samples, where 81.1% of the patients exhibited underexpression of GLUT2. To visualize GLUT2, we conjugated CNDs with glucosamine (GLN) as a targeting ligand to yield glucosamine-labeled CNDs (GLN-CNDs). A series of in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted on GLUT2-modified HepG2 cells to confirm the specificity of the GLN-CNDs. Our results indicate that GLUT2 is a promising target for HCC and that GLN-CNDs may potentially be used as targeted imaging probes for diagnosing HCC. This work has been published in Nanoscale (IF = 8.307).

20231학기 겨울방학 학부 연구인턴 모집

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조수현 학생 "2023 한국화학공학회 가을 국제 학술대회" 우수구두발표상 수상

석사과정 조수현 학생이 지난 10월 25일에서 27일에 걸쳐 열린 "한국화학공학회 가을학술대회"에서 우수구두발표상을 수상했다. 조수현 학생은 "Predictable incorporation of nitrogen into carbon dots: Insights from pinacol rearrangement and iminium ion cyclization"이라는 제목으로 기존 화학 반응에 기반한 질소 도핑된 탄소양자점 합성법 설계 전략 및 이를 이용한 세포 이미징과 광역학 치료 연구에 대해 발표했다. (관련기사) https://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/kr/news/award-news.do?mode=view&articleNo=84903&article.offset=0&articleLimit=9

조수현 학생 "2022 한국화학공학회 가을 국제 학술대회" 우수포스터발표상 수상

석사과정 조수현 학생이 지난 10월 26일에서 29일에 걸쳐 열린 "한국화학공학회 가을 국제 학술대회"에서 우수포스터발표상을 수상했다. 조수현 학생은 "Rational design of prostate cancer diagnostic platform using glucose-functionalized carbon dots"라는 제목으로 글루코스 유래 발광성 탄소나노입자를 이용한 전립선암 진단 플랫폼 개발에 대해 발표했다. (관련기사) http://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/bbs/sookmyungkr/90/190848/artclView.do?layout=unknown

변예림 학생 "2022 한국화학공학회 국제 학술대회" 우수구두발표상 수상

석사과정 변예림 학생이 지난 4월 20일에서 23일에 걸쳐 열린 "한국화학공학회 학술대회"에서 우수구두발표상수상했다. 변예림 학생은 "Temperature-induced control of oxidataion states in carbon dots for multicolor display applications"라는 제목으로 탄소양자점의 산화도가 발광 특성에 미치는 영향에 대해 발표했다. (관련기사) http://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/bbs/sookmyungkr/90/158033/artclView.do?layout=unknown