Privacy Policy :

1.Data Collection: State that the Tetris game does not collect any personal information from users.

2. Use of Information: Ensure that personal information of users is not used for advertising or shared with third parties under any circumstances.

3. Security: Emphasize that user information is secure and not at risk.

4. Cookies: Explain that cookies are used for the functioning of the game, but no personal information is collected through cookies.

5. Changes to Privacy Policy: State that the privacy policy may change in the future and any changes to the policy will be visible to users before playing the game.

This Privacy Policy should be clear and accessible to users, and you can display it on your "About Us" or "Privacy Policy" page. It is also advisable to have users agree to the collection of their personal data to ensure that they have read and accepted the privats.

if you have any question about this Privacy Policy , You can contact us in the following way: