
Hi, my name is Maria Fernanda! But everyone calls me Nanda. 

A 20-year-old brazilian girl currently navigating the exciting world of Marketing and Advertising. 

Since forever, I've been the proud owner of an overactive imagination and a knack for creativity. Picture this: a 13-year-old me, armed with my first camera, bravely venturing into the world of YouTube. I embarked on a journey of content creation, sharing snippets of my life with the world.

Despite my early dreams of being in front of the camera as an actress (blame it on my extroverted childhood self), destiny had other plans for me. Over the years, my passion for design grew stronger, and I found my true calling behind the scenes.

I'm head over heels for video, image, and audio editing – it's where the magic happens! Join me on this wild ride as I continue to blend creativity, storytelling, and a touch of magic to make waves in the world of advertising.          

Let's create something extraordinary together?


2021 2022

G5 Partners

Marketing Planning (Intern)

2023 – Currently


Creative Art Director (Intern)


2021 2024


Advertising and Marketing