
Brief description

I am originally a resident of West Bengal, currently pursuing my research at IISc, Bangalore. My field of work is interface engineering of quantum materials at the IQM group (  primarily using pulsed laser deposition technique. My aim is to study the emergent properties at the interface using X-ray diffraction, electrionic transport and magnetometry along with element-specific techniques like X-ray absorption spectroscopy, linear dichroism, magnetic circular dichroism and photoemission spectroscopy. 

Academic portfolio

10th standard (ICSE) : Delhi Public School, Newtown, West Bengal

12th standard (ISC) : St. Xavier's institution, West Bengal

BSc. Physics (Hons.) :St. Stephen's college, New Delhi

Integrated phD: Indian institute of science, Bangalore

Research advisor: Prof. Srimanta Middey

Academic accolades

Prime minister's research fellowship (2022)

Best teaching assistant award (2022)

AIR 49 in Joint Admission test for Master's (2019)

AIR 162 in Joint Entrance Screening test (2019)

Popli memorial aptitude award (2017)

DST inspire scholarship (2016)

AIR 9th in ISC (12th standard)