Celestial Voyager


Celestial Voyager is a 2D physics mobile single-person adventure puzzle game in which player guides a spaceship safely to its refueling destination, using as little fuel as possible.

The player taps the screen to control the thruster accelerator and guide the spaceship through obstacles, using their limited fuel supply. Or, the player can take advantage of the gravitational pull of intermediary planets en route to their destination.

The spaceship must also avoid space hazards that cause fuel leaks upon collision with the spaceship. These include meteors, space junks and thirsty enemy aliens. Space junk slowly floats in space, meteors fly quickly in a linear trajectory and aliens upon spotting the spaceship will chase after it and upon capture, take a huge amount of fuel. In each level, only when the player reaches the destination planet can the spaceship refuel and advance to the next level. Subsequent levels are filled with more challenges and mysteries of the universe. The player’s score is calculated based on the remaining amount of fuel and the completion time. This will rank their performance for the level using a three-star system , which encourages them to replay levels and try to continue to beat their previous scores.


  • Project Manager
  • Documentation Specialist
  • User Testing Researcher


  • Steph, UX and Art
  • Yuri, VFX and Graphics
  • Eric, UX/UI Design
  • Viet, Developer


CDM User