What is the NAMI North Carolina Peer Leadership Council?

  • The NAMI North Carolina Peer Leadership Council seeks to propel people living with mental health conditions to reach their full potential and to unite the voice of North Carolina Peers across cultural, ethnic, age and economic boundaries.

  • We seek to embolden people living with mental health conditions to fully exercise their rights, meet their basic human needs, and restore dignity and hope.

  • Our goal is to eradicate stigma and unite all consumers with one voice, leading North Carolina to be #1 as the promoter of recovery, education and advocacy.

  • We seek to amplify the collective voice of people living with mental illness in every aspect of life and to celebrate their right to self-determination.

What activities do we engage in?

The NAMI North Carolina Peer Leadership Council works to advance the activities and involvement of the Peer membership of NAMI at the local, state and national levels by actively participating in advocacy issues and program development.

Some examples of this include:

  1. Promoting recovery and enhancing the quality of life of those affected by mental health conditions through outreach events, social media campaigns and fundraising initiatives.

  2. Working to preserve the respect, dignity and human rights of persons with the lived experience of mental illness.

  3. Providing information dissemination and skills training for peers at NAMI events throughout the state.

  4. Advising the NAMI North Carolina Board of Directors on the peer experience.

  5. Empowering and educating peers to address their issues around care, treatment, services, mutual respect and their rights.

How can you participate?

  • You must be an active volunteer with an established NAMI North Carolina Affiliate and be far enough along in your own personal recovery that you can attend meetings, conference calls and maintain e-mail correspondence with other peers as well as NAMI North Carolina Peer Leadership Council Executive Board.

  • Your membership dues with you Affiliate must be current to be on the NAMI North Carolina Peer Leadership Council.

Please contact us at nanincplc@gmail.com for more information.