GyeongHyeon Nam

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Ajou University.


Mentor : Jungin Lee


Supervisors : Masoud Kamgarpour and Anna Puskás

Supervisor : Seokho Jin

Research Interests

Representation Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Arithmetic Dynamics.


Here is my CV.

Working in Progress

Publications and Preprints

Thesis- Not intended for publication

       Supervisor : Seokho Jin 


         Chung-Ang University

                UNSW Sydney

          The University of Queensland

       Korea University


        Chungbuk National University

    Chung-Ang University

     Pusan National University

          University of New England


  The University of Queensland


Teaching Assistant and tutoring
  • 2023 Semester 2                                  MATH4307 Topics in Algebra and Number Theory
  • 2022 Semester 2                                  MATH4307 Topics in Algebra and Number Theory
  • 2021 Semester 2                                  MATH4301 Representation theory
  • 2020 Semester 2                                  MATH4304 Number theory
  • 2019 Fall Semester                             Abstract Algebra 2
  • 2019 Spring Semester                       Abstract Algebra 1
  • 2018 Fall Semester                             Linear Algebra 2
  • 2018 Spring Semester                       Linear Algebra 1
  • 2017 Fall Semester                             Linear Algebra 2, Abstract Algebra 2
  • 2017 Spring Semester                       Abstract Algebra 1


  • Australian Mathematical Society Lift-off Fellowship ($3,000) 2023
  • Tutor Award (The University of Queensland) 2022

Seminars and academic works

The University of Queensland

University of New England

The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland

 University of New England