Material and methods:  We reviewed the sonographic and/or MR imaging findings of 543 patients who were referred for the evaluation of leg pain and swelling during the last 7 years. Fourteen patients with a final diagnosis of tennis leg that occured during namaz praying were included in this study.

Conclusion:  Rupture of the medial gastrocnemius muscle may occur during namaz praying. The clinical presentation is not always characteristic and may simulate DVT. US and MRI are useful diagnostic tools to establish the correct diagnosis and prompt further treatment.

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What is the namaz?Salaah or namaz is an obligatory prayer performed by a practising Muslim five times a day. The namaz is performed early in the morning, afternoon, evening, near sunset and late evening. Each namaz lasts for between five to 10 minutes, and so cumulatively the prayers take up around 30 minutes in a day.

The namaz is one of the five obligatory pillars of Islam, with the other four being faith in the oneness of God, performing charity, fasting in the Islamic month of Ramzan and undertaking a pilgrimage to Haj (Mecca) once in a lifetime.

According to the Quran, namaz can be performed at any clean place except bathrooms and graves. The primary purpose of the mosque is to serve as a place where Muslims can come together for prayer, as praying together holds great importance in Islam.

The Supreme Court observation made in the 1994 Ismail Faruqui case that a mosque is not an essential part of Islam and that namaz can be offered anywhere, even in open areas, leave another question mark on where Muslims should pray.

According to police, of the many people who went to offer prayers at the

Eidgah Masjid in the Jajmau area of Kanpur on Thursday, some reached too late, and so, they decided to sit on the road and offer namaz.

Around three months ago, three separate FIRs were lodged in Kanpur against more than 1,000 unidentified persons and an Eidgah committee over the offering of namaz on roads on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.

Hindu right-wing activists staged a protest on Tuesday and the Gujarat government ordered a probe after Hindu students were allegedly asked to perform namaz as part of an awareness program at a private school here.

In a video of the event, which was later removed from the school's Facebook page, a student of the primary section can be seen performing namaz. Then, four other students join him in singing 'Lab pe aati hai dua', a prayer, in the Islamic way.

"We came across a video which showed that Hindu students of this school were forced to perform namaz during an activity. Following our protest, the school management has tendered an apology and also given an assurance that such activities will not be conducted in the future because only Hindu students have taken admission here," said Meet Bhavsar, Gujarat ABVP's media coordinator.

"In view of Eid, we had organised this activity for the students of standard II to give them information about the festival. We carry out such activities ahead of festivals of all religions, including Samvatsari and Ganesh Chaturthi. No student was forced to perform namaz. It was just a two-minute activity, and the students who participated had taken consent from their parents," she told reporters.Published By: chingkheinganbi mayengbamPublished On: Oct 4, 2023

A parking lot in Sector 47 became a communal hotspot in Gurugram last year. Until last October, this lot had seen hundreds of Muslims gather on Fridays to offer congregational prayers. With the outbreak of the namaz protests, the parking lot saw large groups of locals from resident welfare associations and right-wing organisations disrupt the congregational prayers. On Fridays, loudspeakers started blasting Hindu devotional songs just a few feet away from where the Muslims knelt to pray.

Speaking to Newslaundry soon after the onset of the Muslim holy month of Ramzan, Mufti Mohammad Saleem (who is also the imam at a mosque in Palam Vihar) said people had been calling him to say they were finding it difficult to offer prayers on Fridays as there are so few places where open namaz is allowed.

This year, days after Ramzan began, Dinesh Bharti, a Hindutva footsoldier who has gone to jail at least three times for disrupting namaz, submitted a memorandum to the Gurugram police, in which he claimed namaz was being offered in the open at 12 to 15 places.

Namazy nme in okaa diip soralsa, imanym bolany in dimeli, ne men kakam oka dir we ata-babalarymyz edipdir dimek parz hasaplamazlyk dinden ykarar.Namazy okaan bolup hem namazy farzlygyny inkr edn dinden ykar. Sebpsiz asr (ikindi) namazy okamazlyk, dinden ykan adamy hemme sogaplary boay aly ki hemme sogaplary nol bolar.Her Anna gni mesjidde okalan Jum'a (jemlenme) namazy bardyr. Bu die erkekler in hkmany, emma zenanlar in snnet.Pygamberimizi hi wagt sypdyrmaan we ymmatyna (bizlere) buuran namazlary hem bolupdyr.Olar snneti muekkede dilip atlandyrylar.

Namaz alt okalmaar. Namaz okalanda tesbihler we doganlar we sreler arkayn okalmaly. Eger gyssanma bolsa, Yhlas sresi aly gysga sre a-da 3 aat okamaly we namazdaky tesbihleri 3 gezek adamaly.

Wagtynda okalmadyk namaz kaza galar. Kaza namazlary guly borjundan halas etse-de, wagtynda okalan namazy bern fezini we kemalyny, uhrewi bhbidi we pedany bermez. ele hem, namazy kazasyny okalmagy ynsandan ybadat wezipesinde goberen ahmallygyny we gulluk borjuny wagtynda berja etmezligini gnsini ayrmaz. ol sebpli namazy wagtynda okamak in, namazy wagtlaryny bilmek zerurdyr.

Bu  wagty kerahat wagty bolmagyny hikmeti, otparazlary ybadat wagty bolanlygyndandyr. Bu  wagtda salawat getirmek, doga we tesbih etmek Kuran okamakdan hem has fazyletlidir.Mekruh bolan wagtda sejde aaty okalsa, ol wagtda sejde etmek bolar, emma bu sejdni kerahat wagtyndan soa gomak has fazyletlidir. ogalan adam kerahat wagtlaryny birinde taar bolsa, jynaza namazy okalyp bilinr. Hatda bu namazy gijikdirmn, derrew okamak has fazyletlidir. nki, Pygamberimiz () bir hadysynda ele adar

Namaz okamagy has fazyletli we sogaply saylan wagtlaryna mustahap wagtlar diilr.Pygamberimiz kbir namazlary mwsm, pasyl, yklym aly drli agdalary nazarda tutup, wagt gireni bilen okalmagydan gijikdirilmegini has fazyletli saypdyr.Jemagat bolmak aly, mustahap wagtlarda namaz okamak hem die erkeklere mahsus bir fazyletdir. Aallara mustahap bolany namazlaryny lerinde, erkek kiiler mesjitde okanlaryndan so okamaklarydyr. Emma ertir namazyny erkek kiileri jemagat bolup okamaklaryna garaman, ir okap bilerler.

Namazy snnetlerini berja eden kii i kmil manyda namaz okar we has kp sogap gazanyp, Pygamberimizi efagatyna eter. nki, snnetler Pygambere bolan sgini bir alamatydyr. Namazy wajyplary nhili farzlary stni etirn bolsa, snnetler hem wajyplary stni etirr.

Namazy snnetlerini bilgelein a-da unudyp terk etmek namazy bozmaz, bele agdada sehiw sejdesi hem gerek bolmaz. ne magnewi mahrumlyga sebp bolar. Allah gorasyn! Snnetleri sgermezlik we inkr etmek, kiini imansyzlyga eltip biler. nki, snnet dini hkmlerinden we esaslaryndan biridir.

Sehiw sejdesi namazda farzlary gijikdirilmegi, wajyplardan birini undulyp terk edilmegi a-da gijikdirilmegi sebpli, ol alyy dzetmek maksady bilen namazy sounda ediln sejdedir. Sehiw sejdesi wajypdyr.Sehiw sejdesi i soky oturyda, tahyat okalandan so, ymam die sag tarapyna, zbadak eke zi okaan kii bolsa, iki tarapyna-da salam berip, Allahu kbr diip, sora iki gezek sejde etmeli. Sejdeden so tzeden tahyat, salawat we beleki dogalary okap, iki egnie salam berilr. Netijede, sehiw sejdesi berja bolar.Namaz okaan kii salam berenden so alyandygyny bilse, zni kybladan wrmedik, grlemedik bolsa, sehiw sejdesini etmelidir. ne erinden turup, zni kybladan wren a grln bolsa, sehiw sejdesi edilmez. Namaz sahyhdyr, die sehiw sejdesi edilmndigi in sogaby azalar.

Noida Police on Wednesday invoked restrictions on public assembly under section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), ordering that no unpermitted religious activity including puja, namaz, or processions would be carried out at public places and roads.

Never had my niyat (intention) to do namaz been so strong and clear, never had it meshed so closely with the coolness of water splashing on my skin. And when I began the prayers, every part of my body knew exactly what to do, words and gestures synchronised with elegance, with every sajda my bones sang a hamd (praise) to Allah.

Namazi mogu biti slatki ili slani, biljnog ili ivotinjskog porijekla. Takoe su mogui i mijeani oblici. Priprema se industrijski i nalaze se u prodaji ili domai namazi umijeani po raznim recepturama.

Slani namazi mogu se pripremiti od ribe (npr. konzervisane tune ili srdela, lososa), mesa (npr. tatarski biftek od svjee sirove govee pisanice), jetre u obliku raznih pateta, vie ili manje pikantnih, zavisno o zainima koji se u njih dodaju.

Razni namazi biljnog porijekla poput humusa (orijentalnog namaza od slanutka), namazi sa svjeim sirom ili gorgonzolom, crvenim lukom, a maslac ili margarin uobiajno mogu posluiti kao samostalni namaz ili je temelj smjese.

Takoe i svinjska mast moe posluiti kao namaz ili osnova u koju se dodaju fino usitnjeni varci, paneta, papar i drugi zaini. Od sitno nasjeckane panete ili slanine uz dodatak perina, enjaka, soli, bibera dobije se namaz (pet ili zaseka) koji se moe namazati ili se dodaje raznim junim jelima (manetrama) od graha ili kiselog kupusa.

Vegetarijanski namazi obino se rade od svjeeg tofua, raznih vrsta povra (npr. patlidana, avokada, romaneskoa, gljiva, pasulja), s dodacima sjemenki (npr. buinih, suncokretovih, sezamovih, bademovih) i raznim zainima. Omiljeni vegetarijanski namazi su maslac od kikirikija ili sezama. Isto tako postoje i razne vrste namaza koje se rade od ekstrakta kvasca uz dodatak nekih drugih sastojaka, a najpoznatiji meu takvim namazima su marmite, vegemite, promite, cenovis, te bovril. e24fc04721

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