
1. Auto piloting System for a UAV (FYP) (2015)

Designed a fuzzy PID controller for an UAV to make the Auto Piloting Process under the supervision of Ms. Sujeetha Gaspe

2. Automated Building Management System (2014)

Developed and Designed an ethernet Based Buidling Managment System which can be controlled using a webpage based user interface under the supervision of Dr. Chulantha Kulasekar

3. Remote Controlled Fan/Light Regulator (Design house project) (2013)

The project was total analog design without using any Micro controller under the supervision of Dr. Chulantha Kulasekar.

4. Music Pod using CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device). (2014)

Designed a Music Player using LC Studio (Aletra Max - II) development board under the supervision of Dr. Ransalu Senanayake.

5. Reversed Engineering Project (Laptop Charger) (2014)

Reversed Engineered a Laptop charger which contained a circuitry to Step Down the voltage by a Switch mode power supply (SMPS).

6. Depth controller for an Underwater Vehicle (2016)

Designed a Fuzzy controller for an Underwater Vehicle to control the depth under the supervision of Mr. Darshana Markevita.

Line following Robots.

Step Climbing Robots.