
Microsoft Teams

Student login: ex:

pw: studentnumberNAL ex: 1234567NAL

How do I access Teams?

After logging into microsoft office- click Teams. On the upper right side near the student's initials is a drop down that says HIllsborough County Public Schools. Click the drop down and change to Navigator Academy of Leadership.

This will take you to all the teams your student is connected to.

How do I find Assignments?

There is a Post tab- where teachers will post basic information and scheduled meetings will appear.

Under Assignments tab- students will be able to see any work that needs to be completed. Assignments are separated into assigned and completed. Those that students have yet to complete will be under assigned.

How do I join a Live Team meeting?

  1. Login into Microsoft Teams.

  2. When you click into your class, a message will populate in the middle of your computer screen saying "Join Meeting"

  3. Click "Join Meeting" and you will be in your class's Live Session.