"Crystal Bases and Then..."

 - Conference in honor of Toshiki Nakashima's 60th birthday -



July 9(Tue)

13:30 -- 14:30 Kailash C. Msira (North Carolina Statez University)

Crystal bases for reduced imaginary Verma modules of untwisted quantum affine algebras

15:00 -- 16:00  Suchada Pongrasert (Srinakharinwirot University)

 D7(1)-Geometric crystal at the spin node and its ultra-discretization

 (joint work with Kailash C. Misra and Toshiki Nakashima)

16:15 -- 17:15  Travis Scrimshaw (Hokkaido University)

A fine type A rational personality


July 10(Wed)

9:30 -- 10:30  Maki Nakasuji (Sophia University / Tohoku University)

Expression of integral formula relating to spherical functions on a p-adic group using Crystal bases

(joint work with Daniel Bump)

10:45 -- 11:45  Satoshi Naito (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Chevalley formula and Pieri formula for QK(Fln+1)

13:30 -- 14:30 Young Researchers

13:30 -- 13:40 Tsuyoshi Jomoto (Sophia University, M2) "Crystal bases on spin representation of type Bn"

13:40 -- 13:50 Koh Matsuura (Sophia University, M2) "Characterization of unit object in the category ¥widetilde{R-gmod}"

13:50 -- 14:00 Kohei Yahiro (Kyoto University, Program specific researcher) 

"A crystal structure on the irreducible components of representation spaces of multiparameter persistence modules"

14:00 -- 14:10 Ryo Terada (Tokyo University of Science, D2) "Geometric aspects of generalized preprojective algebras"

14:10 -- 14:20 Yume Suzuki (Sophia University, M2) "On q-analogue of Schur type multiple zeta functions"

14:20 -- 14:30 Fumi Ogihara (Sophia University, M2) "On the binary additive problem related to square-full numbers"

15:00 -- 16:00  Yoshihisa Saito (Rikkyo University)

On Lie algebras associated with marked elliptic root systems

16:15 -- 17:15  Gleb Koshevoy(Institute for Information Transmission Problems Russian Academy of Sciences)

Maximal green sequences and q-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules

 (joint work with Yuki Kanakubo and Toshiki Nakashima)

July 11Wed

9:30 -- 10:30  Masaki Kashiwara (Kyoto University)

 Monoidal categories associated with quiver Hecke algebras and quantum affine algebras

 (joint work with Myungho Kim, Se-jin Oh and Euiyong Park)

10:45 -- 11:45  Toshiki Nakashima (Sophia University)

Presentations of Crystal Bases

July 12(Thu

9:15 -- 10:15  Yuki Kanakubo (Ibaraki University)

Polyhedral realizations and Young walls of classical affine types

10:30 -- 11:30  Bernard Leclerc (Université de Caen Normandie)

Shifted quantum affine algebras and cluster algebras



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If you have any questions, please contact the organizers by e-mail.

email ToshikiNakashima60@gmail.com


  Yasushi Gomi (Sophia Univ.)

  Ayumu Hoshino (Yamanashi Univ.)
Mana Igarashi  (Sophia Univ.)
Yuki Kanakubo (Ibaraki Univ.)

  Maki Nakasuji (Sophia Univ./Tohoku Univ.)