Teaching Assistantships

 Internal TAships: 

                                      1.Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2021

Course: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (ES2202)

2. Teaching Assistant, Autumn Semester 2021 

Course: Hydrology and Geodynamics (ES2102)

3. Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2022

Course: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (ES2202)

4. Teaching Assistant, Autumn Semester 2022 

Course: Hydrology and Geodynamics (ES2102)

5. Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2023

Course: Introduction to Environmental Sciences (ES2202)

 External TAships: 

                                      1.Tutor, Ek Pehal, 2015-2019

2. Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2022

Course: Research Methodology, NPTEL

3. Teaching Assistant, October-December 2022, Dinhata High School

4. Teaching Assistant, Spring Semester 2023

Course: Research Methodology in Natural Sciences (noc23-ge06), NPTEL