
I am teaching two courses this coming semester at Northeastern University. 

EECE 5155: Wireless Sensor Networks and the IoT

Semester: Fall

Offered: 2023

EECE 5155. Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things. (4 Hours)

Covers design and modeling of architectures, communication protocols, and algorithms for wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things. Provides instruction in general aspects of wireless sensor networking, including protocol design, modeling, and simulation at all layers of the communication stack. Studies standardization efforts, including Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee, and SigFox/LoRa, among others. Culminates with illustrations of applications of sensor networks technology to many challenging problems of our times, including mobile crowdsensing, smart cities, and cyber-physical systems.

Prerequisite(s): EECE 2540 with a minimum grade of D- or CS 3700 with a minimum grade of D- or graduate program admission

EECE 7205: Fundamentals of Computer Engineering 

Semester: Fall, 2023.

Class Schedule:  Wed 9 AM to 12:20 PM 

EECE 7205. Fundamentals of Computer Engineering. (4 Hours)

Introduces fundamental techniques in computer engineering used throughout the graduate curriculum. Covers basic programming and analysis methods and the formulation and solution of a wide range of computer engineering problems. Also discusses the applications of algorithm analysis and complexity theory to analyzing and solving problems. Emphasizes those fundamental computational problems and related algorithms whose solution can be obtained in polynomial time. For basic computational problems such as sorting, searching, elementary graph algorithms, shortest-paths problems, as well as flow problems in networks, many different algorithms and data structures are described and analyzed, implemented, and compared both from a theoretical and from an experimental point of view.