Assistant Professor

Department of Economics

916 K.K. Leung Building

The University of Hong Kong

Email:  njguo [at] hku [dot] hk

Research Interest:  Labor Economics, Family Economics


University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D in Economics, 2014

Peking University, B.A. in Finance, 2009

Naijia Guo currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Finance from Peking University. Prior to joining HKU, Naijia worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has been an Associate Editor for the Journal of Economic Behaviors & Organization and a member of the executive committee of the Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics. Her main research interests lie in labor economics and family economics, with a particular focus on structural labor. Naijia's research encompasses a broad array of topics, such as education, migration, unemployment, and intra-household decision-making. 

My CV.