Portfolio Overview

About Me

Born and raised in a Nicaraguan household, at the age of five, my family made the brave decision to leave our homeland and embark on a new journey unto the United States. This transition brought forth challenges, including language barriers and unfamiliar customs. Nonetheless, with perseverance and a thirst for knowledge, I have not only adapted to my new surroundings but also strived with academic excellence and found a passion and interest along the way.

Catarina, Nicaragua


Consistently striving for academic excellence from a young age, I was able to graduate as the valedictorian from my middle school. Furthermore, expanding my educational horizons, I seized the opportunity to enroll in a Dual Enrollment course with FIU during my sophomore year of high school and thankfully strived. Presently, I am enrolled at TERRA Environmental Research Institute High School, where I am pursuing my interest in STEM as a member of the Magnet Academy of Applied Technology and Engineering. 

Interests & Extracurriculars


The TERRA TEN80 Club is dedicated to competitive challenges in technology, particularly small car racing. Students in the club collaborate to design, build, and race small cars, utilizing innovative techniques and strategies. Through teamwork and critical thinking, they optimize their cars' performance by exploring engineering, mechanics, aerodynamics, and car design. Participating in the TERRA TEN80 Club allows students to showcase their creativity, technical expertise, and teamwork while fostering a competitive spirit. 


Barbara Goleman Senior High School - Ten80 Competition

TERRA Environmental Research Institute took the first place award at the FIU WOW competition! Check out our oral presentation here!

Engineering Club

The Engineering Club at our school is actively involved with the Ten80 club. The club fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among its members, as we work together to tackle complex engineering challenges. During the 2023 FIU "Wall of Wind Challenge," we were able to research and came up with possible solutions for Wind Mitigation and better roof designs during hurricane seasons.

For further information on the FIU WOW Challenge please follow link here.

Worship Band Musician

From an early age, I was captivated by the world of music. The simplest melodies, choruses, and rhythms ignited my interest for my pursuit of learning an instrument. After a few years as an acoustic guitarist, I was given the opportunity to join the worship ministry at Church. This experience has not only contributed to my personal growth but has also helped me to grow and own new skills as an electric guitarist. 

Photography & Video Editing

Engineering Draft