Of course! While we built NCPA with Nagios XI in mind (due to some awesome integration via the NCPA config wizard) but the agent can send passive checks to Nagios Core or use our check_ncpa.py plugin to run active checks from Nagios Core.

The origins of NCPA can be traced back to the 2012 Nagios World Conference, where a network admin stated, "I have no idea why agents are so difficult". After reflecting on the statement, we had no answer. The idea for NCPA to be a single monitoring agent that was secure, simple, and easy to manage was formed.

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Nagios XI supports options such as SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), and SSH (Secure Shell). ICMP ping checks, TCP/UDP port checks, and website checks are other examples of agentless monitoring.

Nagios XI supports a wide variety of agents covering many different operating systems, including long-running options such as NRPE, NSCA, and NSClient++. NCPA (Nagios Cross Platform Agent) is a modern option that supports Linux, Windows, OSX, AIX, and Solaris monitoring.

As you can see, there are a lot of considerations to take into account when deciding which approach is best for your requirements. In your environment, you can also use a combination of agentless and agent-based techniques, for instance, if some systems need custom checks while the rest can make use of the options a native protocol offers. Hopefully, the above details will be of help as you decide which approach to take in your own environment.

I have installed Nagios on CentOS 6.8, nagios core + plugins. That means centos68 is now my nagios server. Now If I want to monitor another host say ubuntu, I should only install plugins on that server if I am not wrong ?

The script will stop to prompt you once, to ask for the IP address of your Nagios server. After installing the NRPE agent you can use check_nrpe on the Nagios server to run the plugins remotely and return the result.

NSClient is an agent designed originally to work with Nagios but hassince evolved into a fully fledged monitoring agent which can be used with numerous monitoring tools. If you want morein-depth information see the documentationinstead.

The title pretty much says it. If you were to start a fresh setup, which monitoring agent would you stick with and why? I'm looking to implement Nagios this year and there are so many to choose from. I'd like to standardize on one for simplicity's sake, but maybe that's a bad idea? We're mostly a windows shop but with a few mission critical AIX machines and a few flavors of Linux here and there. Would love to hear your experiences and how you'd do it today!

I have a bash script for performing the passive checks i.e., external agent/application. I tried converting the bash script into python but when I execute the file I don't see any kind of responses on my nagios core interface regarding my passive check result.

Ufortunately the check_snmp script that comes with Nagios isn't flexible enough to let you monitor custom SNMP objects in a nice way. This is why I wrote the retrieve_custom_nagios script, which is available from the menu. Your service definition would look like this:

Up to now things are actually not that different from using NRPE, are they? Well, that's because we haven't even started using all the -real- features of SNMP. Point is that using SNMP you can dig very deeply into your system to retrieve all kinds of useful information. And -that's- where things get complicated because you're going to have to dig up all the object IDs (OIDs) that you're going to need. And in some cases you're going to have to install vendor specific sub-agents that know how to speak to your specific hardware.

Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a Nagios agent that allows remote system monitoring using scripts that are hosted on the remote systems.[6] It allows for monitoring of resources such as disk usage, system load or the number of users currently logged in. Nagios periodically polls the agent on remote system using the check_nrpe plugin.

NRPE allows you to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. This allows you to monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.). NRPE can also communicate with some of the Windows agent add-ons, so you can execute scripts and check metrics on remote Windows machines, as well.

Nagios Remote Data Processor (NRDP) is a Nagios agent with a flexible data transport mechanism and processor.[8] It is designed with an architecture that allows it to be easily extended and customized. NRDP uses standard ports and protocols (HTTP and XML) and can be implemented as a replacement for Nagios Service Check Acceptor (NSCA).

On 16 January 2014, Nagios Enterprises redirected the nagios-plugins.org domain to a web server controlled by Nagios Enterprises without explicitly notifying the Nagios Plugins community team the consequences of their actions.[11][12] Nagios Enterprises replaced the nagios-plugins team with a group of new, different members.[13] The community team members who were replaced continued their work under the name Monitoring Plugins along with a new website with the new domain of monitoring-plugins.org.[14]

You might be able to address this by changing the SELinux context of the check_ifstatus plugin. You can check its context with ls -Z. On my system (with the standard targeted policy), it has context "system_u:object_r:nagios_system_plugin_exec_t:s0", of which "nagios_system_plugin_exec_t" is the important part. If setting it to "nagios_system_plugin_exec_t" (with chcon -t nagios_system_plugin_exec_t check_ifstatus) doesn't work, try with "nagios_unconfined_plugin_exec_t". If either of those changes works, you'll have to make them permanent with semanage fcontext -a -t nagios_system_plugin_exec_t '/usr/lib(64)?/nagios/plugins/check_ifstatus'.

We are attempting to migrate from Icinga 1 to Icinga 2 and a part of that process is moving from using nrpe to Icinga agent. We have approximately 300 checks in our nrpe.cfg file of which approximately 200 call to home-built scripts. I believe this is the correct process for transitioning from nrpe to Icinga Agent using Icinga Director, however I wanted to post here for feedback and suggestions with the process. Our short term goal is to get all our checks running via Icinga Agent, and look to replace scripts with ITL checks on a scheduled basis. Time is not on our side in this migration, so getting checks functioning is currently the main goal, and improving checks is unfortunately going to be further down the line.

We currently are running a 3 tiered environment. We have 2 high-availability masters sitting in a master zone that send check commands to satellites. The IDO database is on an separate host. One of the masters has Icinga Web and Icinga Director installed with the Icinga Director database being local on the master (for the time being at least). We have zones for each of our n data centers, each zone having 2 satellites to load-balance checks. Each data center has between 1000-2000 hosts and approximately 25 services per host. Each host has icinga2 installed and has a signed CA from the master. Independently of Icinga, we have an RPM that ensures all of our scripts are in either /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins or /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/trip/ accordingly for all hosts.

Puppet is great, and many of our customers use it, often in combination with a Icinga monitoring setup. However, it might happen that the Puppet agent, for some reason, does not run, or does not run properly. If the infrastructure is large enough, that might slip through your fingers. Thus it makes sense to monitor the Puppet client.

Perhaps one of the most important differences between Nagios and Sensu is that Sensu backends do not directly execute service checks. All Sensu checks are executed by a Sensu agent. In effect, the Sensu agent is a superpowered replacement for NRPE. The sensu-agent service running on a remote system registers itself with the Sensu backend and communicates via a long-lived websocket connection.

Sensu Check Subscriptions represent a loose coupling between your Sensu monitoring configuration (i.e. Sensu checks define what monitoring data to collect), and the target hosts, compute instances, and containers/pods (i.e. Sensu agents).

A Sensu Entity translates nearly directly to a Nagios host object. When Sensu agents register with a Sensu backend, a corresponding Sensu entity resource is automatically created. You do not have to build an entity definition manually for each running Sensu agent.

One thing to note, Sensu agents provide a built-in heartbeat mechanism called keepalives, so there is no need to migrate Nagios host checks. If you are using a more specialized host check in Nagios, you can easily convert that into a Sensu service check instead.

The specifics of the check command were constructed from the nrpe.conf file on the remote host running the NRPE service. Once loaded into Sensu using the sensuctl create -f command, all we need to do is get the remote host running the sensu-agent and configured to participate in the remote-linux-servers subscription.

Did you know that many Nagios plugins provide performance metrics as well as status? Sensu agents can ingest Nagios performance metrics (along with other common metrics formats such as prometheus exposition format) and then send those metrics into a time series database of your choice for trending or later examination by your incident response team. Check it out!

Nagios runs both agent-based and Agentless configurations. Independent agents are installed on any hardware or software system to collect data that is then reported back to the management server. Agentless monitoring uses existing protocols to emulate an agent. Both approaches can monitor file system use, OS metrics, service and process states. Examples of Nagios agents include Nagios Remote Data Processor (NRDP), Nagios Cross Platform Agent and NSClient++.

Nagios can also run remote scripts and plugins using the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) agent. NRPE enables remote monitoring of system metrics such as system load, memory and disk use. It consists of the check_nrpe plugin, which is stored on the local monitoring machine, and NRDP, which runs on the remote machine. Nagios uses a plugin to consolidate data from the NRPE agent before it goes to the management server for processing. NRPE can also communicate with Windows agents to monitor Windows machines. 006ab0faaa


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