Nagaprakash Venkatesan

An autodidact / outlier / author!

Born in 1997, I have 11 years of work experience — actually, more than that — in various capacities for different companies. As a middle school dropout and a minor, I got a standard job only after having worked for about 4+ years in unorganized sector; Meanwhile, I was spending all my free time reading in public libraries / writing or doing MOOC courses (even without my own PC or laptop). Learning life lessons all along!

Later, starting as a BPO data entry operator without any formal qualification progressed to become a techie - a Python Developer, then a Data Quality Analyst, and now a Lead DQA for the past 4 years. Even today, I continue to learn and earn credentials. Life and career are full of excitement and challenges alike so far, and I always welcome opportunities to learn and skill up. Also eager to give back to the society, have some impact by work, and disseminate knowledge!

Literary Life

In the Publications.

Research Work

Also in the Publications.

Professional Career

Please refer to the CV.