
Learn about a world of diverse elements

Society is composed of many elements.

These elements are interrelated and cause waves or surges, i.e., social phenomena.

These waves or surges can also transform society itself.

By the way, are the "many elements" that compose society all the same?

No, they are not. For example, each one of us is a little different from the others.

And devices connected to the Internet are now not limited to computers and smartphones.

Our laboratory focuses on the phenomena caused by this "diversity of components."

By stepping out of the viewpoint that "the world is composed of something uniform," we will approach how diverse components exist and behave in the social waves, and how they affect them.

Realizing with machines what humans alone cannot do

We can sense the social waves around us.

For example, we can be caught in traffic jams or project delays.

However, it is very difficult to foresee it in advance or

control it around us.

On the other hand, recent science and technology have proposed ways to predict and control social waves in advance. Some of them are beyond human knowledge.

In such a situation, we are under pressure to make use of these predictions.

However, the machine's suggestions sometimes might be unacceptable to us.

What if we could understand their intentions and cooperate with them? It would be possible to proactively realize a society that cannot be realized by humans alone.

Our laboratory aims to control the waves and surges of society that cannot be realized by humans alone, based on collaboration through appropriate communication between machines and humans.