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Photo taken at Jeju Island during attending a training program

Nafis Irtiza Tripto

2nd Year PhD student

📍 Address: 413, Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, University Park, PA-16802, USA

(+1) 814-769-0720


Google Scholar 



I am a second-year Ph.D. student at PIKE LAB in the College of Information Science and Technology (IST) at Pennsylvania State University. I am blessed to be supervised by Professor Dongwon Lee

My current research interest is Natural Language Processing, focusing on Large Language Models. As large language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT, have received mainstream attention and are extremely powerful in generating human-like content, it is necessary to evaluate them properly to find the subtle difference with human text and leverage them to solve newer problems. 

I am actively seeking a 2024 Summer Internship opportunity in data science, data analysis, cyber security, NLP and/or relevant research fields.